Mobility 06

Otalampi. Finland. Democratic and Citizenship Education


Took place from the 25th to the 29th of april 2022.

Otalammen koulu

The mobility took place from the 21st to the 27th of November 2022.

16 students from Denmark, Portugal , Czech Republic and Spain, plus two teachers from each country, travelled to Vihti, Finland to attend this project on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Partnerships for the Goals, two of the 17 topics of Agenda 2030.

The first day we had some activities following the methodology of Outdoor Learning at Otalampi school and a forest nearby. We had a picnic at the fireplace and after it, we had a tour around the school.

On Monday, the school headmistress welcomed us. Then, we had the presentation of each school's homework. After lunch, Finland showed us the assignaments on Youth actions we would have to do in multinational groups.

Next day, we were working on the presentations

On Wednesday, we went hiking around Salmi. We had a wonderful Finnish barbeque and coffee a la bonfire.

After lunch, we had a summit conference: Youth awareness and actions towards Agenda 2030 goals. We finished our leaflet about the different goals we had been working on during the whole Erasmus+ project.

On Thursaday, we spent the day in Helsinki. We were given some famous landmarks and we did some orienteering. We went to the Finnish Parliament and one student from each country could enter the Parliament , meet a member of it and give him our leaflet.

Afterwards, we went to Suomenlinna by ferry and we had a tour around it and we also had time to do shopping.

Finally, on Friday, it was a school participation day. We could take part in different different workshops. After lunch, there was a party at the disco.