New England

New England Colonies

It's made up of the colonies of:


Why did people get there?

Because they wanted religious freedom, people want to practise their religion the way they needed.

Why couldn't people grow food?

Because they didn't count on the soil was rocky. They could barely grow enough to survive.

What did they decide to do?

They whaled and fished to make money. From all the wood they had, they made boards and with them they built boats. Since they needed to trade, Boston became a port city for make money. 



In New England people had town meetings. There, men discussed the issues of the town.

Religious importance

Religion was the best inspiration for pleople and it was integrated in kid's education.


Black people who lived in New England, they were treated differently, even if they were free, but many became to enslaves. Enslaves did skilled jobs or even housejob for no pay.