INS Sabadell is a school of compulsory secondary education (ESO), post compulsory education (Batxillerat) and vocational studies on computers science. Nearly a thousand students are at the center. 74 graduated or PhD teachers in several specialities work in it. The center is located in Sabadell, a Catalan town of 208,000 inhabitants. Students at INS Sabadell come from the districts of Can Rull, Merinals and Cifuentes. Currently 17,000 inhabitants of low-medium class live in them. Our districts and the whole of Sabadell have experienced the economical crisis that started in 2008.

Sabadell had a 16,0% of unemployment at the beginning of 2016, half of the unemployed has no public subsidy. 90 % of the new jobs have temporary contracts. In Sabadell, and particularly in the districts of the school, many evictions have been executed. INS Sabadell has a 12,4 % of students of migrant origin, and 15% of students in a very unfavourable social situation. Some families cannot afford school expenses of books and other material. The key people in charge to running the project are Dr Montserrat Tortosa (head of Department of Sciences and Technologies) and in case that this person leaves, her role in ct will be taken over by Ms Mercè Jover, teacher of English and French and coordinator of Batxillerat at INS Sabadell, other teachers that will work in the project are Arnau Vicente, teacher of Sciences and Jordi Raventós, teacher of Arts. INS Sabadell tries to promote the learning of foreign languages in visits to European countries, mainly France and England.

Unfortunately students have to pay all the cost of the staying and as a consequence, in the last years when the economical crisis has arised, some of the projects have been cancelled. Our school has obtained the ECHE card so that our VET students and teachers can be involved inpractices in Europe. This year the school has recovered a staying of high school students in London. The school maintains a stable relationship with a school from France, Lycée Pierre de Coubertin (in Font- Romeu, Pyrénées Orientales) with which an exchange of students is made every year since 2004 .

INS Sabadell needs to promote motivating activities for students in general, activities that require students' participation and implication, activities that pull, that stimulate and excites all the educational community, and that can complement, using the collaborative work and enterpreneurship, the work made currenlty by teachers. SUSDI can be a project that meets these expectations.