Profile Visibility (Privacy)

Your profile in IEEE Collabratec, in part, represents your professional identity.  A completed profile offers more opportunities for networking and collaborating with your peers. At the same time, IEEE takes privacy very seriously and places the control of the visibility of the various elements of your profile in your hands. You determine what elements are displayed and to whom (which user segment). 

Your profile is displayed in 3 forms on the platform (and the visibility settings will affect all three): 

1- Full profile page (View Profile)

2- Profile summary 

    displays a subset of information as part of a listing in the People section (as part of the Member Directory if you are a Member) as well as in the Participants list of Workspaces and Communities. Provides basic information to allow for networking with peers during filtered searches. 

3- Profile Quick-view popup 

    a fairly new feature which when a user's name is clicked on anywhere throughout the platform, a popup display appears with a subset of information, typically more information than a profile summary and less than a full profile page (advantage: popup avoids navigating away from present engagement).

The look of your profile will depend on whether you are a member or a non-member. If you are a member, two types of information will be displayed on your profile. The information that is auto-populated from your Member's (or Affiliate's) IEEE account and the information that is manually entered. Non-members are limited to manual input of their information. 

Information auto-populated from member's IEEE Account 

Member Grade, years of membership, location, section, education, groups and memberships, and past and present volunteer positions.

Information entered via IEEE Collabratec

Tagline, Biography, Technical Specialties, Certifications, technical Interests (using the IEEE Thesaurus). Non-members can manually add information such as education, occupation and other relevant information not covered by other sections in the Biography area. Additionally, badges earned (automatically by the system when the specific requirements are met) will be displayed and whose visibility can be controlled as well. 

Profile visibility control can be accessed via the Manage Privacy Settings tab on the 'Settings' dropdown located on the top blue bar or from your profile page by selecting the 'Edit Privacy' button. Visibility can then be globally or individually set.

Visibility Options

There are five options available (four for non-members). You can set the visibility globally for all profile elements or select a different option for each. The options are as follows:

Visible to IEEE Collabratec® and all internet users.

Visible to all IEEE Collabratec users.

Visible to My Network and IEEE Collabratec users who have an IEEE membership and/or Affiliations.

Visible only to users I have added to My Network (via accepted connection requests).

Visible only to me. No other user will see the information.

To view your profile, you can select View Profile from the drop-down menu under "Settings" tab on the top blue bar. To view another user's full profile page, you can click on the user's photo from the Profile Qucikview popup.

To edit your profile, select the Manage IEEE Collabratec Profile tab from the drop-down menu under your name in the upper right hand bar. 

Profile Elements

If you are a member, your profile contains two (2) sets of information. The information that comes from your IEEE Account settings and the information that is added inside Collabratec. Non-members will just add/edit information fields from within IEEE Collabratec.

Profile information from your IEEE Account

IEEE Members, key information is auto-populated (and can only be changed) from your IEEE Account. IEEE Collabratec provides a gateway to this information, which includes: Name, Member grade badge, Volunteer positions (past and present), Education, societies, affiliations and subscriptions.

Profile information added within IEEE Collabratec

Profile information added in IEEE Collabratec include:

Tagline; Biography; Technical Interests; Your publications; and more (see full list in Screenshot).

About IEEE Collabratec

IEEE Collabratec is an integrated online community platform where technology professionals, especially engineers, can discover, connect and collaborate  ---  all in one central hub.

The IEEE Collabratec platform is available to all technology-minded professionals. IEEE Members receive added benefits and expanded functionality (more below). IEEE Collabratec is Mobile Responsive!

Visit the IEEE Collabratec Users Forum* to ask questions and engage with others including staff to learn more about the platform features.

IEEE Collabratec provides the ability to:

For IEEE Members:  


IEEE Collabratec can be accessed from a compatible browser and is mobile-responsive (see 'Mobile' tab on the menu). Supported browsers:

The following options must also be activated within the browser:

The following items will render differently in Mobile (see first image):  

Home Activity Page (see Screenshot 2 ):  

Dashboard (see Screenshot 3 ):  

Profile Visibility Settings 

Video Guided Tour Available (on right; For Mobile, Scroll down) 

Blue Underscored Links below provide direct access to platform.