IEEE Mentoring Program

The IEEE Mentoring Program is an online program which pairs qualified IEEE members* together in establishing a mentoring partnership for guidance in areas such as: career, education, leadership, volunteering or a specific technical field. The program is implemented via IEEE Collabratec® (exclusive home of the IEEE Member Directory). *Participation in the program is open to all IEEE members (all grades), IEEE Societies and IEEE Standards Association members.

Short video on right, mobile scroll down.

Why is it important to become a Mentor?

As a Mentor, engineers and technologists can more formally share their unique experience and help guide students and young professionals who are just starting out as well as providing structured advice for anyone who is looking for opportunities in specific fields or regions.

Why is it important to be guided by a Mentor?

As a Mentee, IEEE Members at any stage of their professional journey, especially when just getting started, like students or young professionals, can receive insights and guidance on how to best navigate their career for a specific technical pursuit or leadership position. Additionally, mentors can provide mentees with available volunteering opportunities which offer great potential to be involved with new endeavors.

The IEEE Mentoring Program via Collabratec is set up to be versatile enough to be implemented in various ways, two of which as follows: 

Getting started

The basic process steps:

When the mentee has narrowed their search down to a few prospective mentors they can send a message to get further clarification on the availability of the mentor and whether the goals align (this is a suggested intermediary step before selecting 'Mentor Request').

They can then select the 'Mentor Request' button which opens a request form pop up. The request form includes whether the member is a student or current working professional, areas of guidance requested as well as the term length. The Mentee selects 'send' after filling out. Note: a mentee can send a message (available message button) to a prospective Mentor prior to making the request. 


1. Select the Career Services tab and check the box, "Activate Mentor". Your profile including Profile summary and Profile Quickview will now include a 'Mentor' icon (see image).


2. Select preferences that you seek in a Mentee and then "Save Mentor Settings" (green button). Many of these preferences are optional.

3. Approve the request when a mentee has selected you as a mentor. You will receive a 'Mentor Request' notification in the Pending section on your Dashboard. Go to your Career Services page to view the Mentor request form which contains the Mentee requirements. Note: A message button is available in order to send a prospective Mentee a message before approving.  

Mentee - To find and request a mentor    

1. Activate your Mentee status by checking the 'activation' box found on the Career Services page.  

2. When your Mentee status has been activated from the above action, a button labeled 'Access Mentor List' appears. Click on the button and you will be navigated to the 'People' section with the IEEE Mentors filter pre-selected.  


A list of mentors will appear, represented by their profile summary (the blue mentor icon will be displayed on their profile). 


3. Scroll though the list of Mentors. Use the filters available on the left rail to help narrow your search (if desired). Review each of the Mentors' information. By clicking on a Mentor's name, a QuickView profile popup will appear which contains most of the information from a Member's full profile.  Look for information related to the goals you have in mind like aligning technical interests, technical fields, degrees, etc. 

 It is recommended to send a message to the prospective mentor(s) to discuss goals, field of expertise and compatibility of schedules before sending a mentor request.

4. When you have chosen a prospective mentor, select the "Mentor Request" button from the Mentor's QuickView or regular profile (also available from the Profile Summary under '+Network' tab). Fill out the requested information such as Mentee-type, student or professional (indicates graduated or current working professional), area of guidance and term length. See related image on left (Mobile scroll below).

5. When the Mentor accepts your request, the partnership begins. You will receive a notification and the 'pending' status' will change to 'active' in the partnership status summary section on your Career Services page. 

Note: please allow 7-10 days and it is advised to send them a follow-up message as you await their response. Mentor requests expire after 30 days.


Partnership Established (Mentor request has been accepted) 

After the Mentor accepts the request, the partnership will be listed as ‘active’ on the Mentoring status summary section on the Career Services page. A workspace is automatically created and is accessible from this section (your Dashboard as well). This workspace is a shared space to collaborate between the pair by sharing concepts, comments, and content. This includes file upload and management capabilities. It also includes a project management tool called Project Tracker. See Workspace section in this Info Pages Guide.

Please refer to the Mentoring Program Guidelines for information about shared responsibilities and best practices for setting and achieving goals. IEEE-related entities may include additional guidelines for implementing their specific program.


Video Guided Tour Available (on right; For Mobile, Scroll down)  

See note and rendering below before watching video!

IEEE Mentoring Program - Status Activation: Please note the rendering below as the way to access the Mentoring Program functions- so for the video above, it may show the old top nav but most of the process flow is accurate.

Mentor selects Mentee preferences - many choices are optional

Mentor Request Form which Mentee fills out when they have found a prospective Mentor

Accepting the Mentor Request (found on the Career Services page after Mentor receives notification)

Mentoring Tracking via  the Mentoring Partnership Status Summary