Badges (Microcredentialing)

The Badging system (Microcredentialing) powered by IEEE Collabratec rewards participants for specific engagement on the platform typically related to various IEEE societies and initiatives, milestones, events and more! The specified actions to earn a badge typically relates to responding to a post in a community, multiple communities or the Home Feed. Badges related to a community or initiative include IEEE Day, IEEE WIE Day, IEEE Foundation and IEEE Corporate Awards, IEEE Sustainability, Authoring (Author's Lab) and the Puzzlers Challenge. 

Each badge is defined by its own set of unique required actions that must be taken by the participant to earn the badge. The badge is configured by CT Staff by assigning an active trigger to each required action. Triggers include taking action (Like, Comment, Answer, File-action) on a post in a Community or Home Feed, connecting with other users or even some navigation. A list of required actions is typically pinned to the top of the respective community or provided in a clue-by-clue format, instructing participants where and what to do next. Sometimes participants must solve a problem or answer a question to move on to find the next action/clue.

The system then monitors the active triggers and when all of the required actions have been taken by the participant, the system confers the badge. This process is automatic - there is no manual intervention required. So if the badge is not conferred it means a required action or actions is/are missing. Upon earning a badge, a participant will receive multiple notifications that confirm this. After a few seconds, the badge will be found on a user's profile badge page or profile summary quick-view popup.

Notifications of Badges Earned

When a badge is first earned, a popup notification appears on your screen with a congratulatory gif. There is a link available on that popup that will take you to your profile badge page to view the badge you just earned. There is also a notification that appears in your dashboard (Pending Actions module) as well as on your Home page activity feed. The badge notification is shared in the Home Activity Feed of other users in your My Network, list of contacts. You can also view a notication in the notifications section and is accessible by filter (badge).

Viewing your badges

You are able to view the badges you have earned in summary list format (logo + name) in several places

Sharing your Badges with others

User's can share the badges they have earned to other users or out to social media by clicking on the 'share' widget to the right of the badge listing. The badge will be shared in several different ways:

Badge Share Page

When sharing your badge to social media or via email, a unique badge share page is created with a unique link. The preview is shown in the post to social media which includes the badge logo image, name and description. When the viewer clicks on it, a full page opens prominently showing the badge logo (significantly larger than the standard badge logo size), name and description. Below your badge earned is a panel showing other badges with a link to the badge landing page and a link to log on or sign on the Collabratec (for users outside the platform to join).

Viewing other user's badges

To view the badges another user has earned, you can access their list (assuming they have visibility on) as follows:

Badge Progress Pop-ups

Some badges have progress status notifications turned-on. As you proceed towards earning the badge there will be two progress status notification gifs, one at the first third of the steps and the other at the second third of the steps. 

Why earn a badge?

Badges are recognition for accomplishments of completed activity on the platform or outside the platform facilitated by IEEE Collabratec. Badges will be viewed by your peers (you have the ability to control their visibility via the privacy/visibility control page). Some badges may be Member or Volunteer specific. Badges can be tied to contests which makes the participant eligible for prizes.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility is badge-specific. Some badges are for all IEEE Collabratec users. Some just for IEEE members and some for specific Affinity, Groups or Societies. 


About IEEE Collabratec

IEEE Collabratec is an integrated online community platform where technology professionals, especially engineers, can discover, connect and collaborate  ---  all in one central hub.

The IEEE Collabratec platform is available to all technology-minded professionals. IEEE Members receive added benefits and expanded functionality (more below). IEEE Collabratec is Mobile Responsive!

Visit the IEEE Collabratec Users Forum* to ask questions and engage with others including staff to learn more about the platform features.

IEEE Collabratec provides the ability to:

For IEEE Members:  

Some of the Available Badges (*see  below for instructions)

Puzzler Level Badges :

 Levels based on # of puzzles answered in the Puzzlers Community.

IEEE Regional Badges: based on Regional Community

How to attain the  badges shown in first slide:

Sample Badge Share page - a link to this uniquely created page (below) is shared out to social media (first seen as a preview) and via email; use the widget on your profile badge page