
IEEE Collabratec Posting Guidelines Summary

This summary pulls information from the Comprehensive Platform Guidelines, Terms of Use and IEEE Code of Ethics. Please refer to those documents for specific details. This summary applies to all areas of the platform.  

1. Be courteous and professional to your fellow participants, whether IEEE members or non-members. Behavior which is considered unprofessional or meant to harass will not be tolerated. Please refer to the latest IEEE Code of Ethics, and Comprehensive Guidelines and Terms of Use for more details.

2. Posting content, whether in the form of text, links, files, images and video, in

3. Content in posts, comments and replies that is not relevant to the posted topic may be removed. The user may be notified (assuming their messaging is turned on).

The same content repeated in multiple areas, unless approved, in an attempt to get attention will be treated as spam and will be removed.  

4. Links without the proper SSL certificate or which are broken will be removed. 

Users should never click on a questionable link.

5. Inappropriate language of any kind, whether literal or derogatory will not be tolerated. Any user posting this type of inappropriate content will have the content removed. Further action may result. 

6. Users should not use the site for advertising products or services related to a corporation or personal business. See Comprehensive guidelines and Terms of Use below for further clarification.

7.  Content posted should not infringe on any copywrite or trademark or be of a confidential nature.  See Comprehensive guidelines and Terms of Use below for further clarification.

8. Reporting a post or comment: Participants may report a post which they believe to contain inappropriate language, a demeaning, bullying or threatening tone or in any way violates the IEEE Code of Ethics or is spam. 

Find "REPORT IT" on the dropdown next to the post title or comment and select. An email will be sent to moderators of the Community as well as IEEE Staff in order to review the post. The 'Report-it' function should not be used for any other reason.

9. Owners, Co-owners and moderators in Communities and Workspaces, as well as IEEE Collabratec Staff have the ability to remove inappropriate content. Users have the ability to delete their own content that they have posted. The user will be replied to at the point of violation as well as be contacted via an in-platform message by Staff (again assuming their messaging is turned on). Again, users who continue to violate the Terms of Use will be blocked and eventually removed from the platform.

10. You may post questions regarding the platform in the User Forum. Questions or comments can be sent in a message to IEEE Staff, identified by the "S" badge on their profile or profile summary page. 

Additionally, beyond the methods mentioned above, questions or concerns related to these guidelines or to contact Staff, can be emailed to:

 Comprehensive Platform Guidelines & Terms of Use

The available social networking capabilities and premium features on (the "Site") provides registered participants who participate in various Collabratec communities (" Community Participants" or "Collabratec Workspace Participants") with the ability to share comments, messages, information, documents, images, questions, links and other material.

These capabilities exist to facilitate knowledge-sharing within the IEEE community, thereby furthering IEEE's mission to serve diverse global communities by advancing technology for humanity and improving the quality of life.

Participants should keep in mind that this is a professional community and professional behavior is expected at all times. Use of the Site to shock, intimidate, harass, bully, or otherwise threaten others will not be permitted.

The community guidelines and rules outlined below ("Community Guidelines") will help members use the site's features responsibly.

Please bear in mind that your use of the Site will always be subject to these Community Guidelines, as well as the Terms of Use, as modified from time to time.

The following guidelines apply to your use of the Site, and to any content you submit, share, upload, or post ("User Content"):

This is an online community for thoughtful and courteous debate and discussion:

●        You are solely responsible for your social networking activities on the Site as well as the content you submit, share, upload, or post.

●        The information on, including content that is shared by Group Participants and other users, is made available for general informational purposes only.

●        Do not represent yourself as being an IEEE employee or agent for any purpose whatsoever. IEEE volunteers may identify themselves as affiliated with IEEE, but it must always be clear that IEEE is not represented in any way, and that any opinions expressed by a volunteer or any other Participant are personal opinions, and not the opinions of IEEE.

●      Do not submit, share, upload, or post confidential information. All information accessible through, and any ideas, inventions or know-how disclosed through such information will be available to other Users.

●        Do not violate any party's copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or right to privacy. Again, do not disclose materials or information that are considered confidential.

●        Do not impersonate or try to pass yourself off as another person.

●        Do not post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any information or files that are unlawful, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or libelous, or that are threatening, abusive, or harassing on the basis of an individual's (or group's) religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

●        Do not upload, transmit or otherwise make available any files, code or other materials that contain viruses or that disrupt the Site's underlying systems.

●        Please stay on topic. Posts and comments should be of a technical nature and involve some aspect of engineering, science or technology. If you delve into other topical areas (business, entertainment, sports, etc.), please do your best to tie them back to one of IEEE Collabratec’s main focal points. Posts focusing on politics or religion will probably be removed. Likewise, strong political and religious sentiments should be kept out of profiles, signatures and other content.

●        Do not post the same thread multiple times. The moderation team will delete all but the most appropriate instance.

●        IEEE  bears no responsibility for any User Content; however, IEEE reserves the right to edit or remove any User Content that IEEE determines, in its sole discretion, fails to comply with these Community Guidelines or the Terms of Use or is otherwise harmful, inaccurate or objectionable.

●        IEEE Collabratec is a voluntary-use community. From time to time, people leave Collabratec of their own volition or because they have been removed for violating the site rules. The moderation team does not delete their user profiles and we do not remove their posts and other content. Should you wish to have some of your content removed, contact us and we will evaluate your case.

Please email us at with any questions or concerns you may have about IEEE Collabratec’s Community Guidelines.