Virtual Journaling

Lesson Outline (click)

  • Goals/Objectives:

    • Continue using the science practices of making observations (I notice), asking questions (I wonder), making connections to what they already know or have experienced (it reminds me of), and coming up with possible explanations from evidence (I think maybe).

    • Add description and recording of data - communicating science information in words, numbers, and pictures

  • Intro

    • Check-in (optional - fun check-in to see how they are feeling)

    • Set Expectations for behavior

      • Remind students of any hand signals you have introduced, how you want them to answer questions, muting/unmuting, etc.

    • Share Agenda - we'll read a story, play a game, read another story... etc. Also share about how long it will take.

    • Review previous lesson:

      • Ask students to share what they did for their magic spots

      • Share journals

5E outline (Learning Cycle names in parentheses)

  1. Engage (Invite)

    1. Read / Show Video of Nature Journals

    2. Intro of activity

  2. Explore

    1. Students will choose their item to record and draw a picture and include numbers and words to describe it in detail

    2. Students share their journal entries and we try to figure out which item they were describing

  3. Explain (Concept Formation)

    1. What helped you to figure out what people were writing about?

    2. Discussion of how to improve our journaling to be better recorders and why that might be important

  4. Elaborate (Apply)

    1. Another try? Homework assignment:

  5. Evaluate (Reflect)

    1. How did this help you and how do you think it would help scientists?

You've already been using Nature Journals, but today, we are going to work on using them as a tool to record and communicate information the way scientists do. This video shows examples of different kinds of Nature Journals. Today, we are going to work on recording data well enough to play a matching game with your journal entries and what you were journaling about!

To Each Their Own Online Journaling Activity

Click to see Instructor Notes

IMPORTANT: be sure to practice and test opening and sharing any of these types of interactive lessons, Slides, Jamboard, etc. It will save time during your lesson if you already have it open and shared properly!

To Each Their Own modification:

Simplified Jamboard - view-only! (No need to make a copy or change permissions - NO editing - they can only look at the pages)

  1. Give students the link in Chat so they can open it -

  2. Tell them to look through all 20 frames (show them how by modeling),

  3. Then tell them to secretly pick ONE that they like to draw in their journals (or on any paper if they don't have their journal).

  4. They can write the frame number down separately (or on the back of their drawing where it won't show) - shhhh! Don't tell!

  5. Have them all spend at least 5 minutes drawing all the details, using arrows/lines, words (labels, descriptions, etc), numbers, etc, to depict their leaf with as many details as possible. The goal is to make it easy to tell which leaf they were drawing!

  • You can use the timer and re-start if needed to do the activity.

  • Encourage and remind them about using INIWIRMO, using words, numbers, arrows, measurements, etc along with their drawing, showing details, etc. You could check in with students during this time to make sure they are doing all those things.

  • Take turns sharing journals ("spotlight" student on Zoom) with the rest of the class taking turns guessing which leaf each student drew, OR, to save time if needed, everyone that thinks it is the same number as the one THEY drew raises their hand (because some students are likely to have chosen the same one)

  • Remember to be true to "it's not about a pretty picture" and do NOT praise the attractiveness of drawings, but do praise how they showed the details, labeled them, etc. (Only comment on how you like the way they used pictures, words, and numbers, or that you like the detail that shows x or y...)

  • IF you have time, you can do it again with them each picking a different leaf, but you probably won't have time because the guessing might take a while!

Don't forget to tie into science practices - they can write down what they notice, wonder about, and what it reminds them of, and also write down their ideas of what is going on (I think Maybe...)


    1. What helped you to figure out what people were writing about?

    2. Discussion of how to improve our journaling to be better recorders and why that might be important

    3. How did this help you and how do you think it would help scientists?

Reverse Guessing Game with Journals

(click for instructions)

Send students to find a natural object to draw and write about in their journals


Record some descriptions using adjectives to describe it (I notice...)

Record some measurements or estimates

Use pictures, words, and numbers in your journal to describe it (Also It reminds me of...)

Think about the Possible Functions of this object (use I wonder and I Think Maybe...)

Describe it without showing your picture and see if we can guess what your object is!

Winter-themed timer

Use for keeping them working on their drawings at least 5 minutes - restart after 5 minutes to give them longer.

Student Journal Pages

(click for instructions)

Use the 2nd page, "My Scientific Drawing," for recording data about their object during class - remember to use drawing with details, arrows to the details describing them with words or numbers, etc. The goal is to make a record so good that it's easy for others to find!

February Student Journal Pages.pdf

Outdoor Homework:

(be sure to give this link to the teacher to put in Google Classroom)