
Page Contents

Thinking/Science Routines

The journaling lesson focuses on the skills of observation, recording, and sharing information. The more accurate and detailed their information, the easier it will be for others to learn from. Remember to encourage students to use pictures, words, numbers, and arrows/lines to add important details to their journals.

Continue to remind and reinforce science routines and thinking tools, building and growing students’ scientific thinking toolkits, developing observation skills (I notice...), curiosity (I wonder...), making connections (it reminds me of...), as well as continuing to share information and ideas, including discussion skills, recording data, come up with possible explanations from evidence, and find ways to test their ideas.

Don’t forget to remind students of these practices and reinforce their use as *routines* and thinking tools, building and growing students’ scientific thinking toolkits all year.

Field Lessons

Full Lesson Plan

16 February Lesson Plan 2022.pdf

Field Card

18 February field card 2022.pdf

Journal Pages

February Student Journal Pages.pdf

To Each Its Own (Main Field Activity)

Video of teaching it to adults in a Professional Learning Session

17 CNPS To Each Its Own Activity.pdf

Original Lesson

Updated Lesson from How to Teach Nature Journaling - great website!!

ABCDE's of Nature Sketching

ABCDE's Visual Aid


Notes from the Field

Taking Root Nature Journaling Lesson Update 2021 - ABCDEs.pdf

Classroom Activities and Resources

Curriculum Web For Nature Journaling

From: Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You

Nature Journaling Applications.pdf

Nature Journaling Rubric

From: Opening the World through Nature Journaling

Journaling Rubric.pdf

Curriculum: Opening the World Through Nature Journaling

CNPS Opening the World Through Nature Journaling, 2nd Ed..pdf

Fun Information about Chickadee Alarm Calls

Related to the "Hawks and Chickadees" game - tidbits to share with students!