Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning Methods


Our vision for all of our outdoor science programs is that they will be:

  • Student-Centered

    • Students will be doing most of the work of learning - observing, exploring, collecting data, writing/drawing, discussing, arguing from evidence - Instructors are facilitators of this/guides on the side vs. sage on the stage

  • Nature-Centered

    • Whenever possible, lessons will revolve around direct interactions with the natural world vs. games or activities

  • Grounded in a Sense of Place - with acknowledgment and appreciation for all that this means. Lessons should be directly connected to the local environment and will be more relevant to students in that way

  • Meaningful and Memorable

    • Learning should connect to them personally

    • Adventures should be had!

  • Aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

    • In NGSS, using science process/scientific thinking is key, vs. memorization of facts

    • To begin to address NGSS in outdoor education, regardless of the topic, make sure students are engaged in practices, exploring science ideas, and figuring things out during science instruction.

Teaching Methods

To move our teaching toward this vision, we'll be using these teaching methods - click the links below to learn more...