Bird Behavior

Page Contents

Thinking/Science Routines

Don’t forget to remind and reinforce students to use science routines and thinking tools, building and growing their scientific thinking toolkits all year.

Continue to remind and reinforce science routines and thinking tools, building and growing students’ scientific thinking toolkits, developing observation skills (I notice...), curiosity (I wonder...), making connections (it reminds me of...), as well as continuing to share information and ideas, including discussion skills, recording data, coming up with possible explanations from evidence, and finding ways to test their ideas.

In this lesson, you can use discussion between activities as a way to help students develop their ideas about (and empathy with) how and why animals communicate to survive.

Bird Songs Background

Bird Songs: Musical Messages

Bird Songs Musical Messages.pdf

Bird Communication from Cornell

Bird_Communication_Lesson_Cornell Bird Lab.pdf

Bird Songs from Hands-On Nature

Bird songs background info.pdf

Bird Behavior Lesson Plan, Field Card, and Journal Pages

22 April Lesson Plan 2022.pdf
24 April Field Card 2022.pdf
April Journal Pages.pdf

Bird Behavior and Identification Teaching Resources



Bird Song Cards and Recorded Bird Songs for Bird Clock Game

Note that we no longer go into the classroom, but play the bird clock game outdoors and teach the bird calls rather than play from a recording. If you would like to play the recording from your phone for the students before teaching them the sound-alike calls we'll use, that is okay, but not really needed. We use the LARGE laminated cards for groups of students instead of the small individual paper cards that we gave the students. If you have any paper cards left in your kit, feel free to use them up.

LARGE Bird Cards with calls for Game

LARGE bird cards with updated photos for clock game.pdf

Small Bird Cards with calls for Game

Bird Song cards-2018.pdf

Click the bird images to go to the All About Birds pages with their songs to compare to cards

American Robin : 4 am-9 am"Cheerio cheery me cherry me"
Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird: 5am-10 am"Konk-la-ree!"
California Quail
California Quail: 7 am - 12 pm"Chi-CA-go!"
Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat: 6am-11am"Witchity Witchity Witchity"
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee: 7am-12pm"Cheeese bur-ger"

YouTube Bird Songs you can play directly from this page

Go to 1:00 on the video for the "Chicago" (or "Cuidado") call.

Magic Spot Sound Map

Good way to teach to kids!

What are Birds Saying?

One possible interpretation!
When developing their individual song, yearling male Lazuli Buntings copy portions of their neighbors' songs. This results in different clusters of territories, or neighborhoods, having a distinct sound. Territorial males respond more aggressively to the songs of outsiders than to those of their neighbors.
From The Institute for Bird Populations' Facebook Page

Alternate Main Activity: Recording Bird Songs

Classroom Resources

Cornell's Birding Resources are wonderful for integrated thematic lessons - you can do Feeder Watch observations all year long, learn about geography through bird migration maps, music, art, science, literature..

Bird Coloring Pages