Virtual Honeybees

Lesson Outline (click)

  • Goals/Objectives:

    • Continue using the science practices of making observations (I notice), asking questions (I wonder), making connections to what they already know or have experienced (it reminds me of), and coming up with possible explanations from evidence (I think maybe).

    • Specifically, we are going to learn about honeybees and their roles in the hive

  • Intro

    • Check-in (optional - fun check-in to see how they are feeling)

    • Review previous lesson:

      • Ask students to share what they did for their magic spots

      • Share journals

    • Set Expectations for behavior

      • Remind students of any hand signals you have introduced, how you want them to answer questions, muting/unmuting, etc.

    • Share Agenda - we'll have a slide show, watch a short movie, give acting roles to everyone then play a game or two.

5E outline (Learning Cycle names in parentheses)

  1. Engage (Invite)

    1. BEES ARE SO INTERESTING! Ask what students already know about bees - you can use the Zoom Whiteboard if available to record some of their answers

    2. Present Slideshow as an introduction to bees to help them BEE more curious and empathic (use notes for ideas on making it interactive)

  2. Explore

    1. Watch video on hive roles (I recommend without sound and you can read it)

    2. Read role cards one at a time (you could let students take turns reading aloud if you want)

    3. Go through motions of what bees might look like doing these activities after each card - students can make them up

    4. Play Reverse Charades with each role (see instructions below)

  3. Explain (Concept Formation)

    1. Now have all students playing different roles (you can assign by number - small number is number of students that should be in the job - they add up to 25, so modify if there are fewer students)

    2. They can explain why their role is important

  4. Elaborate (Apply)

    1. Play hive game with everyone at once doing different roles - chaos ensues! (could play "Don't worry, Bee happy" song during this - haha)

  5. Evaluate (Reflect)

    1. How did this change how you think about bees?

    2. Outdoor Homework - has sit spots and journaling - don't forget to give teacher the link!

Honeybee Slide Show


Open in a separate window, share that window (or tab) via Zoom Screen Sharing. Use "Presenter View" (or if it opens up in presenter view, click "notes" at the bottom) to present this Google Slide Deck, so the students will see the slides and you can see the controls as well as notes and questions to ask the students to make this more interactive. Be sure to use I Notice, I Wonder, It Reminds Me Of, and in some places I Think Maybe as sentence stems for the students to participate.

TEST before using and let me know if you have any issues!

Bee Jobs in the Hive

Preview and choose one to show students, but all need to watch the waggle dance to play the game!

I recommend watching this without sound and reading aloud - the sound is just guitar music, nice, but hot helpful if students aren't good readers.

Foragers/Scouts have to know how to do the Waggle Dance! Show to students when introducing that role during the charades game.

Background for instructors on Hive Roles

You might show the National Geographic one to students as it is shorter

How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs - 3:22
National Geographic

Inside the Bee Hive - what are honeybee jobs? (7:33 - inside the hive footage of bees in action)

More Background for instructors on Hive Roles

The left is text, the right is a video with the same information. See the regular lesson page for LOTS more background on bees!

This one is mostly narration with videos of bees in the background. that don't necessarily match the narration. Great descriptions of roles, though!

Beehive Roles for the Game

(click for instructions)

For reverse charades, send one student to breakout room or waiting room (whichever is available, or if neither, have them plug their ears and sing LALALA while you tell the rest of the students, OR have them turn their back and you hold up a number) and tell the rest of the students which bee role they are doings. Bring the student back and have all the rest acting it out while the one tries to guess! Do it again with each role.

Once all of the students have acted out each role, do one last encore with everyone doing a different role - the teacher is the queen!

Bee Hive Simulation roles-2021.pdf
Honeybee Role Cards for Charades and Game 2021-v2.pdf

Outdoor Homework

(Give to Teacher to Assign in Google Classroom)