Taking Root

If we surrendered to the Earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted, like trees… The future of education is in the outdoors.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Taking Root History and Overview

The Taking Root 3rd grade field program was started by Hillary Behr while working as the Americorps member for the Bishop Paiute Tribe, as a way to get local students out on the Bishop Paiute Tribe's Conservation Open Space Area (COSA) learning about the natural world. The Tribe worked with the 3rd grade teachers at Bishop Elementary, by supporting the program with site maintenance (log and rock circles for sitting, mowing paths), materials management, and docent training. In 2015, when Hillary came to work for the Inyo County Office of Education (ICOE), she brought the program with her and continued to oversee it, train docents, and work with teachers, still in partnership with the Bishop Paiute Tribe.  

In the 2017-18 school year, ICOE expanded Taking Root to include all schools in the Owens Valley, from Lone Pine to Round Valley. We partner with the Big Pine Paiute Tribe in Big Pine, and have found open spaces near each of the other schools where the 3rd grade class(es) can walk, once a month, for a different lesson focusing on using the skills of a scientist (using all their senses, doing "I Notice, I Wonder, It Reminds Me Of," learning about Seeds, Wildlife Sign, Nature Journaling, Honeybees, Bird Behavior, and Learning to observe and identify birds with binoculars).  We added the Autumn lesson later, by request from classroom teachers.

These monthly lessons are one and a half hours long, and follow a format of quiet observation of changes, main activity/lesson, game (optional), and ending with a "magic spot." Docents are paid a stipend for each lesson taught, and training is provided each month. 

If you are interested in becoming a docent, and committing to teaching the same 3rd grade class field lessons one day a month, we'd love to hear from you!  Contact Amanda Adams, Outdoor Education / Science Specialist, at aadams@inyocoe.org or 760-873-3262, ext. 2131.

Student journaling during Magic Spots

Articles & Publicity about Taking Root

Articles by Eastern Sierra Land Trust 

Eastern Sierra Land Trust is one of the many community partners who provide in-kind donations of staff and materials for our field programs - Ryan and Marie are two of the staff they have provided as docents for Taking Root over the years - we love our partners!!

Map of Bishop COSA 

(other school locations coming soon!)

Taking Root Calendar for All Schools

Includes COSA outdoor education for Bishop, including both Taking Root and Branching Out, and Taking Root for small schools (Round Valley, Big Pine, Owens Valley, Lone Pine)