Eco Team 1H

Our team

We are Eco Team 1H of "T. Confalonieri" middle school in Monza.

The class is made of 23 girls and boys between 11 and 12 years old.

We are very different from each other, but we had goal that brought us together: we had the desire to study global warming and understand its effects.

Together with us, professors Yuri Bonatti and William Pioltelli helped coordinating the project and the activities. Mr. Bonatti organised  the scientific part of the project and Mr. Pioltelli the humanistic part.

The group is very joined and this project was made with great and commitment by all of us.

Eco Team 1H in the school yard

This is us:

Alice, Aliss, Amina, Antony, Aurora, Cecilia, Clara, Davide, Dinidu, Eglis, Emma, Estela, Giulia, Jacopo, Leoger, Maddalena, Margherita, Mattia, Mena, Sara, Sofia, Tommaso, Veronika

Our school

Confalonieri school is located in the centre of Monza, in a building which once was an Augustinian convent that has a very complex and eight-hundred-year history.

It was built around 1368, just after the construction of the church of Santa Maria in Strada had been completed. In 1798 it was abandoned and then sold to a citizen who used it for housing.

From 1862 it housed the first kindergarten in Monza, while from 1888 to 1958 the Canossian nuns settled here.

Later, the Municipality of Monza, to which the complex was ceded, brought the Zucchi Middle School here, and then from 1972 the Teresa Confalonieri Middle School.

Middle school "T. Confalonieri"

Edited by: Tommaso, Antony, Emma, Cecilia, Clara