Our measurements

Having focused on the temperature and precipitation data measured by the meteorological station in Milano Brera, we decided to measure the same data locally, in our schoolyard.

See the section Where are we? for more information on our location!



For maximum and minimum temperature measurements, we installed the maxima-minima thermometer under the school porch so that it was protected from the direct sun.

Rainfall measurements were made by installing a rain gauge in the garden inside the cloister.

Every morning, one of us students wrote down the measured temperature values and the millimetres of rain on a poster.

Measured data:

Data were collected from 1 November 2023 to 29 February 2024, on school days only (Monday to Friday), excluding Christmas holidays.

MISURE effettuate da noi.docx


The data show remarkable variations in temperature and precipitation over the recorded period. We observed variations in temperatures from below freezing to mild conditions, as well as fluctuating precipitation levels. On many days no rain was observed, but compared to other recent years there were days with significant amounts of rain.

Edited by: Eco Team 1H