A journey through the history of climate in Monza

Is it possible to measure the effects of climate change in Monza with meteorological data? 

Photo: ©ESA

Climate Detectives 2023-2024

Climate Detectives challenges students to make a difference in researching and protecting Earth!

In this project we embraced the role of Climate Detectives learning about Earth’s environment and climate. To learn more:

To verify the existence of a relationship between the production of carbon dioxide and the increase in temperature we performed a simple but significant experiment.

2. Analysis of meteorological data

We analysed temperature and rainfall variations using data from the Brera Meteorological Station in Milan from 1763 to the present day.

3. Our measurements

We installed a maximum-minimum thermometer and a rain gauge in our school yard to directly measure temperatures and millimetres of rain between November and February.

4. Analysis of satellite images

We studied and compared satellite images and data reguarding the health of the vegetation of Monza and its park using EO Browser.


Contact us at yuribonatti@icsconfalonieri.edu.it to know more about the project.