Our project

Exploration and research

In the first phase of our project, we documented ourselves using scientific and journalistic articles and institutional reports. We then learned what factors influence the climate and how these can be influenced by mankind. You can read all about this in the Motivation section of this website.

Experiment 'the greenhouse effect in a jar' 

Scientific data show us that, in recent years, the temperature on our planet has risen continuously. To test whether there is a relationship between the production of greenhouse gases by humans and the rise in temperature, we performed a very simple but significant experiment.

Historical analysis of meteorological data

In our investigation we analysed the variations in temperature and rainfall data measured by several meteorological stations in the area. In particular, we focused on the data from the Brera Meteorological Station in Milan, installed on the roof of the Brera Astronomical Observatory in the historical centre of Milan, which has been taking measurements continuously since 1763. We also used data from a meteorological station in Monza covering the last year 2023.

After collecting all the data, we examined them with the help of spreadsheets to create graphs that are easier to understand and allow trends to be identified. We also proceeded to study the data to obtain information on the number of tropical nights and the number of days with extreme temperatures recorded over the years.

Our temperature and rainfall measurements

We installed in the courtyard of our school one thermometer Maximum-minimum and a rain gauge. In this way we have could directly measure daily maximum and minimum temperatures in the scolastics days and the millimeters of rain fall down every day between November and February.

We went to EO Browser to study and compare satellite images and data on the health of the vegetation in Monza Park, one of the largest city parks in Europe. We tried to determine the effects of the past months' drought and extreme weather events on the vegetation of the area.

Edited by Alice, Dinidu, Mattia, Sara,