Why did we decide to carry out this project?

The articles that inspired our work

Thanks to these articles we discovered that in recent years new temperature records have been reached since measuremens were taken

The comparios between recent years and previus decades has beem merciless: very hot summer months, much of the year, and many locations in Lompardy have recorded the highest number of "tropical nights".We have also read how disasters like the one that occured this year in Monza are increasingly frequent and increasingly violent.

This summer our city was hit by extreme weather phenomena that caused damage throughout the area, and the fall of more than 30 thousand trees in Monza Park. Also, discussing in class, we noticed that the first part of October was abnormally hot, as evidenced by this article: Ottobre rovente.

These phenomena prompted us to question how the climate is changing and what effect this might have on our city. We researched through newspaper articles, institutional documents and reports from research organizations and decided to study how the temperature in our area has varied over the past centuries. 

Here are some of the articles that inspired our work:

What factors influence climate?

So, we decided that we wanted to investigate climate change in Monza, through weather data. To do so, we used data from the Milano Brera weather station, which is one of the oldest in Italy. We decided not to use the ARPA stations in Monza because they gather data only from recent years.

Edited by Davide, Giulia, Aminatou, Margherita, Sofia