Mango Preservation

Technologies & Innovations for Food Loss Reduction in Smallholder Zero Loss Centers

3 March 2021

Professor Jane Ambuko conducted a webinar focused on the Kenyan mango value chain. After the presentation, she took questions about her extensive work in the mango value chain and with regard to smallholder zero-loss centers.

Jane Ambuko is an Associate Professor and Head of Horticulture at the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Her training, research and outreach activities are focused on sustainable and appropriate solutions to reduce postharvest losses in horticultural value chains. Using the ‘lab to land’ approach to take research outputs to end users, Prof Ambuko works with smallholder farmers and other horticultural value chain practitioners in various capacity building and technology scale up initiatives. Prof. Ambuko is also credited with driving the All-Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition convening as a platform to create awareness and showcase sustainable solutions to postharvest food loss and waste in the African Context.