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Tenby's Tudor House

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Where is the Tudor House in Tenby?

A step to see Wales

Who was Henry Tudor?

Video (Welsh) by S4C

What was Henry Tudor's connection with Pembrokeshire

Video (English) by Visit Pembrokeshire

And a leap to see the world!

Quick background information

This narrow, 3 storey building, just yards from the harbor at Tenby, was erected in the early 15th century. It is constructed of lime and sandstone rubble and has a round chimney and garderobe that raises the full height of the building. It is typical of the type of flourishing merchant's house that was built when Tenby was a flourishing port in the late Middle Ages. It houses an amazing collection of locally made tools and furniture. The furniture, pewter, wall hangings and ceramics were copied from Tudor pieces coming from the area.

Tenby has a number of other Tudor connections. The town walls were rebuilt in 1457 under the patronage of Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke. Robert Recorde was also born here, who is remembered for creating the 'equals' symbol for numeracy work.

Henry Tudor was born in Pembroke Castle. After exile in France, he traveled to the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 from 'Mill Bay' near Dale, gathering supporters along his journey. Jasper Tudur and George Owen, Henllys, Lord of Cemaes, are also key figures in the history of the County. After the Battle of Bosworth, Rhys ap Thomas became Lord of Carew and built a grand estate around the castle. By 1558, it was all placed in the hands of Sir John Perrot, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth 1st.

At the beginning of the period the importance of the Church was enormous, but there were changes that led to the destruction of the monasteries.

People's lives changed because of the discoveries of the time. Trading salt, wine, oil, coal, fish, tea, coffee and wool was important. There have been advances in printing, battle methods, shipbuilding methods, travel to discover new countries etc. For the first time a Bible in Welsh was used to save the language, as it had no official status or use before the publication of Bishop William Morgan's Bible (1588).



Place Names

Can you explain the meaning and history of Welsh place names in Pembrokeshire?

William Morgan and the Bible

Can you explain why William Morgan was so important to the Welsh language?


Can you learn 10 Welsh dialect words from Pembrokeshire and their meaning?

Songs about Welsh

What Welsh songs mention the Welsh language?

The Landsker Line

dDo you know what the Lansker line was? How has the situation changed?


Read and learn some lines of Dewi Emrys' famous poem 'Pwllderi' written in dialect.


Languages, Literacy and Communication

Changed place names?

Look at a Tudor map of Pembrokeshire and find out how place names have stayed or changed.

Dialect words

Discuss dialect words of different areas.

What is the Landsker Line?

Use the links below to find out the history.

What was the effect of the Act of Union on the Welsh language?

🎬 The journey of the language with In Character.

Create a timeline using a program such as Adobe Spark to track the language.

Health and Well Being

Compare periods to gain empathy and appreciation

Tudors - lack of medical skills, freedom and opportunity, dangers, uncertainty, short life. Use the resources below to stimulate your discussions and work.

Science and Technology

Construction Methods of the period

What was different about the construction methods of the period?


What did the Tudors wear?

Have a go at weaving and discuss the importance of wool - weaving and weaving.

Mathematics and Numeracy

The Tudor Rose

Create a 'Tudor rose' plan with accurate measurement of angles.

Robert Recorde

Who was Robert Recorde and what was his contribution to the world of mathematics?

Buying a House in Tenby

A family would like to buy a house in their local area. Can you take on the role of an estate agent to help them buy a house? Discuss what they can buy within a budget in local areas and compare them with other areas in Wales.


What was the history of the Tudors in Pembrokeshire?

Pembroke: The home of Henry Tudor

Development of building technology - chimneys and its importance

What was significant about the chimney?

What new facilities for the Welsh home and overseas arrivals?

What is the importance of preserving old buildings?

A description of Pembrokeshire by the historian George Owen

What did the historian George Owen of Henllys, Nevern have to say about our County in 'The Description of Penbrockshire'? Why not create a mural?

William Morgan and the Bible

Who was William Morgan?

What is its contribution to the Welsh language?

What other goods were arriving from abroad?

Who did the Tudors trade with?

Expressive Arts

Calligraphy and fine writing

Use the first bible as a stimulus for discussion and experimentation with calligraphy and fine writing.