Continwwm Iaith

Language Continuum

Mae'r continwwm iaith wedi'i greu i gynllunio'r iaith y dylid ei chyflwyno a'i chydgrynhoi mewn cwricwlwm troellog trwy'r camau dilyniant. Mae'r continwwm yn canolbwyntio ar 10 nod cyfathrebol fel bod ein pobl ifanc yn dysgu ymgysylltu'n dda â thasgau cyfathrebol y byd go iawn. 

The language continuum has been created to plan the language that should be introduced and consolidated in a spiral curriculum through the progression steps. The continuum concentrates on 10 communicative goals so that our young people learn to engage well in real-world communicative tasks. 

Dylid ymweld â'r swyddogaethau cyfathrebu mewn gwahanol gyd-destunau sawl gwaith. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu i ddysgwyr adfer yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wybod ac ehangu ymhellach yr iaith y gallant ei defnyddio i addasu'n hyderus i gyd-destunau mwy amrywiol.

The communicating functions should be visited in different contexts numerous times. This will allow learners to retrieve what they know and to further expand the language that they can use to confidently adapt to more varied contexts.

Continwwm Cymraeg Ysgolion Cyfrwng Saesneg Sir Benfro.pdf

To realise the ambition of the 'Continwwm', the learning journey must be carefully planned across and between each year by spacing and interleaving the communicative functions to achieve progression. Connections should also be made between language that can be introduced and used daily in the classroom. Raising awareness of how a pattern introduced can also be used in the classoom can support pupils use of daily Welsh e.g. when younger pupils role play using “Ga i’r...” this can also be used daily in the classroom e.g. “Ga i’r pensil os gwelwch yn dda?”

Formal teaching of grammar will increase language awareness and independence. For example, our youngest learners will readily use 'Ga i fynd i'r tŷ bach?' without being taught about the mutation mynd to fynd or the contraction i + yr = i'r. 

Where possible consider which classroom language you could introduce over time to build up examples of key language structures/rules you want to draw upon later to exemplify in formal teaching when you feel it is appropriate - it is far easier for learners to grasp language rules/exceptions if they have already internalised the pattern so it 'feels' right.

Adnoddau i wreiddio'r continwwm

Resources to embed the continuum

Language Continuum

Support Booklets

Road Map of Learning Journey



Planning Documents

Audio Visual Resources

MARS EARS Training

Monitoring Standards