Ein stori ni - Traed... cam... a naid!

Waldo Williams

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Start at our feet

A step to see Wales

And a leap to see the world!

Waldo Williams

Background information

Waldo was a poet, pacifist, teacher, prophet and conscientious objector. He was born in Haverfordwest and taught in many of the County's primary schools. He was well liked by his pupils and the people, but got into trouble with the authorities. He went to prison for refusing to pay taxes as a deliberate protest against war. He lived in Llandysilio but was a well-known figure throughout Pembrokeshire. He published a volume of poems 'Dail Pren' in 1956. His favorite poem was 'Preseli'. It was created while Waldo was a teacher in England, in response to the government's intention to use the Preseli as a military exercise ground. He was traveling around Pembrokeshire by bike. He lived a 'green life' before the people of the world began to think about the earth's needs. He believed strongly in equality and brotherhood.

Waldo predicted the short and long-term effects of World War II on people's lives on every continent. Women's lives, the world of technology, and our world of vision changed a great deal. There was no turning back - for the better, for the worse. RAF airfield was created at Tyddewi, a weapons storage depot at RNAD Trecwn, Sunderland aircraft were raided in Pembroke Dock and explosive tests were carried out at Rosebush and D Day exercises on the coast near Amroth. Pembrokeshire men battled flames in Swansea at The Blitz and mined coal with the Bevin Boys. Members of the Women's Army came from a distance to work on farms and to cut hills in our county. Nearly all villages lost boys, as in the Great War. This led to the respect for pacifists.

Discussing Waldo is an opportunity to learn about the importance of protecting peace. The work of the Society of Reconciliation and the Carmarthen White Book and the Temple of Peace within Wales, and the United Nations can be discussed worldwide.



Waldo in Wales

Waldo moved a lot during his life. Use a map of Wales to show and talk about Waldo's movements throughout his life.

Poets of Wales

Waldo must have inspired many people over the years including Dr. Michael Hopwood - the first woman to win the chair at the National Eisteddfod. What young poets are currently writing in Welsh?


Waldo wrote the poem 'Tangnefeddwyr' as he saw the city of Swansea burning on the horizon after being bombed. Can you learn the song 'Tangnefeddwyr'?

What contemporary Welsh songs talk about peace or war?

Waldo and Pembrokeshire

Why is Waldo important to us in Pembrokeshire? What did he teach us and how did he help the county?

Poem by Waldo

Learn and perform a poem by Waldo.


Languages, Literacy and Communication

Who was Waldo?

Use the links on the page to learn more about Waldo. Write a biography.

Read, enjoy and learn

Study and enjoy various poems by Waldo Williams.

Comparison of Perspective

Compare the view of Anne Frank and Waldo Williams.

Write a poem - Peace / War

What is the meaning of 'Tangnefeddwyr'?

Write a poem about peace or war.

Health and Well Being

Raising spirits in Pembrokeshire

What's the story behind Bois y Frenni?

They sing heart-warming songs from the period 1939-45.

Songs to raise spirits

Compare Bois y Frenni with George Formby, Vera Lynn and Glen Miller. Why were they important?

Welsh saves lives

How did the Welsh language save lives? Are there other examples of languages saving lives?


Learn about Waldo's brotherhood through his poems

The rights of black people

Learn about the impact of historic hatred in black lives in Wales.

The impact of war on families

Discuss how war affected families. How did the war affect your family? Look for the history.

Act for peace

Learn about acting for peace.

Science and Technology


Study the inventions and advances of technology of the time - mechanical, atomic, radar, chemical, guard balloons etc.

Sunderland aircraft at Pembroke Dock

What was the story of Sunderland Aircraft in Pembroke Dock?

Airport at St Davids

Why was there an airport in St Davids? Are there others in Pembrokeshire?

Learn about the conservation work at the airport today.

Technology in the air

Learn about aircraft engineering and balloons.

The importance of codes during the war

During World War II, Germany believed that its secret radio message codes were unique to the Allies. ... However, the detailed work of the code breakers stationed at Britain's Bletchley Park shattered the secrets of German wartime communications, and played a vital role in Germany's final defeat.


Use coding to create a simple program.

Mathematics and Numeracy

Code arithmetic and cryptograms

Use codes for maths and numeracy.

Food rationing

Mathematical problems based on food rationing.

Welsh Books

Local Welsh bookshops want to sell. Can you help reduce the books - 10%, 25% etc.


Mair Russell Jones

Write an article for the local community newspaper about Bletchley Park and the Enigma Machine. The story of Mair Russell Jones working at Bletchley

Atomic Power

Atomic power development and the impact of atomic power development on the village of Trawsfynydd.

From Tiger Bay to America

Look at the experience of 70 Tiger Bay black women who went to live in America after marrying 'GIs'.

What else happened in Pembrokeshire during the second world war?

In 1931 the RAF established a base at Pembroke Dock. Investigate the great fire of 19 August 1940 when oil tanks were bombed by a German aircraft

Exercises for 'D Day' landings

Development of Trecwn RNAD Pembrokeshire weapons storage center

Expressive Arts

Comparing a variety of Welsh music from the same period - Bois Y Frenni (W R Evans), Grace Williams (Penillion 1955) and Karl Davies born during the war