Effeithiolrwydd cynyddol fel dysgwr

Increasing Effectiveness as a Learner

Un ffordd o fod yn ddysgwr effeithiol yw adolygu'r cynnydd y mae'n ei wneud yn gyson a chymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu nodau dysgu eu hunain. Datblygwyd yr 'E-Bortffolio' fel rhan o brosiect gydag Ysgol Mair Ddihalog, Ysgol Prendergast, Ysgol Waldo Williams ac Ysgol Uwchradd Hwlffordd. I ddysgu am yr 'E-bortffolio', gwyliwch y fideo isod.

One way of being an effective learner is to consistently review the progress that they're making and take responsibility for their own learning goals. The 'E-Bortffolio' was developed as part of a project with Ysgol Mary Immaculate, Ysgol Prendergast, Ysgol Waldo Williams and Ysgol Uwchradd Hwlffordd. To learn about the 'E-bortffolio', please watch the video below.

Beth yw'r e-Bortffolio? Gwyliwch y fideo isod.

What is the e-Bortffolio? Watch the video below.

Creu templed

Creating a template

Defnyddio'r e-Bortffolio

Using the eBortffolio

Action 1

Action 2

Action 3

Action 4

Action 5

Action 6

Action 7

Action 8

Mae dysgwyr yn personoli eu e-bortffolios trwy uwchlwytho llun / graffeg i'w cynrychioli ac yn ysgrifennu disgrifiad ohonynt eu hunain y gellir ei olygu a'i dyfu gyda'u e-bortffolio.

Learners personalise their e-portfolios by uploading a picture / graphic to represent them and write a description of themselves which can be edited and grow with their e-portfolio.

Mae'r holl waith llafaredd yn cael ei lanlwytho o fewn un o'r 10 Swyddogaeth Gyfathrebol sy'n cynrychioli'r gwaith orau. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i'r dilyniant o fewn pob sgil fod yn amlwg.

All oracy work is uploaded within one of the 10 Communicative Function which best represents the work. This allows the progression within each skill to be clearly evident.

Mae fideos yn cael eu llwytho i fyny o fewn Swyddogaeth Gyfathrebol ac mae dysgwyr yn myfyrio ar eu gwaith gan ateb y cwestiynau.

Videos are uploaded within a Communicative Function and learners reflect on their work using the question prompts.

Sut i greu e-Bortffolio

Dilynwch y canllaw cam wrth gam a geir yn y Power Point isod.

How to create an e-bortffolio

Follow the step by step guide found in the Power Point below. 


Sut i recordio fideo ar Flipgrid a llwytho i fyny i'r e-Bortffolio

How to record a video on Flipgrid and upload to the e-Bortffolio

Enghraifft o ddilyniant mewn ffwythiant

An example of progression within a function

Mynegi barn

Expressing opinion

Portffolio 1.MOV

Blwyddyn: Derbyn | Reception

Tasg: Gofyn ac ateb cwestiynau syml am fwyd | Ask and answer basic questions about food

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

I said Welsh words correctly. I remembered the words for the foods. I can ask questions in Welsh. My teacher was happy with me.

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

I can use this language during Amser Snac.

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:
- Learn more new words.

Portffolio 2.MOV

Blwyddyn: Derbyn

Tasg: Trafod bwyd | Discussing food

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

I can say what food I like. I can use sentences. I tried really hard. I'm getting better at speaking Welsh.

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

I can tell my friends and my teacher what food I like. I can listen to and understand when people talk about what they like.

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:
- I want to learn how to say what I don't like.

Portffolio 3.MOV

Blwyddyn: 2

Tasg: Trafod bwyd dw i'n hoffi a ddim yn hoffi | Talk about what foods I like and dislike

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  What am I proud of? What did I do well?

I can say what I like and I don't like. I can ask and answer questions.

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

I can use this language when I say what I like and don't like in lots of different topics like hobïau, ffilmiau, teledu.

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:- I want to learn how to say why I like or dislike something.

Portffolio 4.MOV

Blwyddyn: 3

Tasg: Mynegi barn ar chwaraeon | Expressing opinion about sport

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

I asked and answered questions about sport. I can say what I like and dislike giving a simple opinion. I even learned some better opinions rather than just using 'bendigedig'.

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

I can extend my sentences and talk for longer. I feel like I'm starting to really speak Welsh!

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:
- Extend opinions and start to give reasons.

Portffolio 5.MOV

Blwyddyn: 5

Tasg: Trafod teledu | Discussing TV

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

I have started to give reasons for liking and disliking things and to agree and disagree with my friend. Also, I've learned to use idioms and they make my work sound so much better.

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

I can use more language and I've got lots more confidence. I'm happy to speak Welsh to the teachers. I can understand some programmes on S4C.

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:
- Learn how to agree and disagree better. I can give more details when I talk.
- Practise what I've learned to talk about other topics.

Portffolio 6.MOV

Blwyddyn: 6

Tasg: Trafod chwaraeon | Discussing sport

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:

Portffolio L4.MOV

Blwyddyn: 7

Tasg: Trafod fy ardal | Discussing my area

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps:

Portffolio l5.MOV

Blwyddyn: 9

Tasg: Trafod ffonau symudol | Discussing mobile phones

Adlewyrchu ar fy ngwaith / Reflecting on my work:  
What am I proud of? What did I do well?

Iaith ar waith / Language in action:  
When might this language help me? How will I use the language?

Fy nghamau nesaf / My next steps: