Year 9

Year 9 Science Exam

Every year there is a big exam in science at the end of January. The results of this exam are used to help to decide which science course you should do when you go into year 10. It is very important to work towards this exam so that your results are a fair reflection of your ability in science.

The exam will be in 3 sections - biology, chemistry and physics. In total it will last 1 lesson and you should expect to see questions covering all the different topics you have worked on during the first half of the year. Questions will test a mixture of knowledge and skills.

At the start of the Spring term you will be told the date of the science exam so you can revise thoroughly. You must make sure you have completed everything in your booklet and use it to revise your work

To help you with your revision work we have put together some resources that you can use on this website.

To get you started, look at these videos where Mr Smith gives you advice on how to revise and how to answer exam questions.

Revision Techniques (how to revise).mp4
Exam techniques - line graphs.mp4
Exam techniques - question and answer structure.mp4

Now choose which of the sciences you want to revise: