Response & regulation

Year 11 triple biology

This is the fifth topic in the year 11 module.  

The workbook for the whole year 11 course is here.

Use the presentation on the right to go through all of the things to learn for this topic.


NEW WEBSITE Copy of Y11 Triple Booklet TL


NEW WEBSITE Copy of Blended learning Response and Regulation 2.5/4.5

One page revision sheet



Nervous System and the reflex arc 

Ordering the reflex arc explained 

Alcohol effects on the body 

Reaction time specified practical 

Control of body temperature and the skin: 

Why do we sweat?

Control of Glucose: 

Diabetes type 1: 

Diabetes type 2 

Plant responses to stimuli: 

Structure of the Eye 

The eye 

If you're still not sure about this topic, try this revision website