Gwaith ychwanegol /

Extra work

Iaith / Language:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Ffurfio Llythrennau / Letter Formation:

Dewch i ymarfer ffurfio llythrennau'r wyddor. Beth am ffurfio llythrennau bach a phriflythrennau?

Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod am syniadau hwyl i ymarfer ffurfio'r llythrennau.

Can you practise forming the letters of the alphabet? How about forming lower case letters and capital letters?

Look at the examples below for some fun ideas on how to practise forming these letters.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Tric a Chlic

Dewch i ni ymarfer adnabod a seinio'r llythrennau gwyrdd. Cliciwch ar y linc isod.

Let's practise recognising and pronouncing the green letter sounds. Click the link below.

Fedrwch chi nawr sillafu'r geiriau isod gan ychwanegu'r seiniau sydd ar goll?

Can you now spell the words below by including the missing letter sounds?

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ysgrifennu brawddegau / Writing sentences

Nawr fedrwch chi ddefnyddio rhai o'r geiriau uchod i lunio brawddegau?

Could you now use some of the words above to form some sentences?

Cofiwch fod angen / Remember to use:

-prif lythyren ar ddechrau pob brawddeg / a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence;

-atalnod llawn ar ddiwedd pob brawddeg / a full stop at the end of each sentence;

-bwlch bys rhwng pob gair / a space between each word.

Gweler enghraifft isod / See an example below:

Tasg 4 / Task 4:

Yr Wyddor / The Alphabet

Yn yr ysgol, rydyn ni'n canu a rapio'r wyddor pob dydd.

Gwrandewch ar rap yr wyddor gan glicio ar y linc isod ac yna cwblhewch y dasg.

We sing and rap the alphabet each day in school.

Listen to the alphabet rap by clicking on the link below and then complete the task.

Edrychwch ar y lindysyn isod. Nodwch y llythrennau sydd ar goll.

Ar ôl nodi'r llythrennau coll, fedrwch chi feddwl am eiriau sydd yn cychwyn gyda'r llythrennau yna?

Look at the caterpillar below. Can you write down all the letters that are missing?

After noting down the missing letters, can you think of words that begin with these letter sounds?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Dewch i ymarfer ffurfio rhifau 0 i 20.

Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod am syniadau hwyl i ymarfer ffurfio'r rhifau.

Can you practise forming numbers 0 to 20?

Look at the examples below for some fun ideas on how to practise forming these numbers,

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Adio / Addition:

Dewch i ymarfer eich sgiliau adio. Dechreuwch gan adio 1 pob tro ac yna ceisiwch adio 2, 5 a 10.

Mae’r un gyntaf wedi ei chwblhau i’ch helpu.

How about adding numbers with the number blocks? Start by adding 1 each time and then try to add 2, 5 and 10.

The first number has been completed to help you.

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Tynnu / Subtraction:

Dewch i ymarfer eich sgiliau tynnu. Mae yna dri set o gwestiynau gwahanol. Dewiswch un set i'w gwblhau.

How about practising your subtraction skills? There are three different sets of questions. Choose one set to complete.

Thema/Topic Work:

Tasg 1/Task 1:

Y Tymhorau/The Seasons

Tymor y gaeaf yw hi yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Cliciwch ar y linc isod i ddysgu am y pedwar tymor gwahanol.

It's winter in Wales at the moment. Click on the link below to learn about the four different seasons.

Fedrwch chi ddidoli'r eitemau gwahanol isod? Ym mha dymor byddwch chi'n gweld y gwahanol eitemau?

Gallwch argraffu'r templed isod, neu gallwch dynnu lluniau yr eitemau a'u didoli.

Could you sort the items below? In what season would you expect to see them?

You could print the templates by opening the link below or alternatively you could draw the different items and sort them between the four seasons.

eitemau tymhorau
Didoli eitemau'r tymhorau

Tasg 2/Task 2:

Weithiau mae hi'n bwrw eira yn ystod y gaeaf.

Beth am dynnu llun dyn eira gan ddilyn y camau isod?

Sometimes it snows during the winter.

How about drawing a snowman by following the instructions below?

Tasg 3/Task 3:

Anifeiliaid y fferm /Farm Animals

Cofiwch yn ôl at ein trip i'r fferm.

Pa anifeiliaid welsom ni?

Edrychwch ar y llun isod. Fedrwch chi nawr cyfateb yr anifeiliaid fferm gyda'u cartrefi cywir?

Can you think back to our trip to the farm?

What animals did we see?

Look at the picture below. Could you now match the farm animals with their correct homes?


Tasg 1 - Iaith / Task 1 - Language:

Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, rydyn ni wedi bod yn adnabod a seinio'r llythrennau pinc tric a chlic ac rydyn ni wedi bod yn darllen geirfa binc tric a chlic.

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i adolygu'r seiniau ac i ddarllen yr eirfa.

Over the last few weeks, we have been recognising and pronouncing the pink tric a chlic letter sounds. We have also been reading the pink words.

Click on the link below to revise the sounds and read the words.

Fedrwch chi ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod? / Can you practise spelling the words below?

Beth am ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau nifer o weithiau gan ddefnyddio lliwiau gwahanol? / How about spelling these words several times using different colours?

Gweler enghraifft isod. / Please see the example below.

Beth am geisio llunio cwpl o frawddegau gan gynnwys rhai o'r geiriau? Gweler enghraifft isod.

How about writing a couple of sentences including some of these words? See example below.

Tasg 2 - Mathemateg / Task 2 - Maths:

Ffeithiau Dyblu / Doubling Facts:

Fedrwch chi gwblhau symiau adio er mwyn dod o hyd i'r ffeithiau dyblu? Beth am ddefnyddio drych i'ch helpu neu gan dynnu llun smotiau ar fuwch goch gota? Mae yna dempled isod os hoffech ei ddefnyddio. Mae yna dair set o symiau gwahanol, dewiswch un set i'w chwblhau.

Can you complete addition sums in order to find doubling facts? How about using a mirror to help you or by drawing spots on a ladybird? Please see template below. There are three different sets of sums, choose one to complete.

Beth am chwarae gêm ddyblu? Cliciwch ar y linc isod.

How about playing a doubling game? Click on the link below.

Mwynhewch yr hanner tymor! / Enjoy the half term!