

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn adnabod llythrennau melyn tric a chic dros yr wythnosau diwethaf.

Sawl gair fedrwch chi sillafu gan ddefnyddio'r llythrennau yma yn unig? Gweler y llythrennau yn y grid gerllaw.

We have been recognising yellow tric a chlic letters over the last few weeks.

How many words can you spell using only these letters? The letters are in the grid to the right.

Beth am adolygu'r llythrennau a geirfa melyn gan glicio ar y linc isod?

How about revising the yellow letter sounds and words by clicking on the link below?

Gwaith Cartref/Homework


Yr wythnos hon, buon ni'n tynnu ffwrdd.

Fedrwch chi gwblhau'r symiau tynnu isod?

Mae yna tri set o symiau gwahanol, dewiswch un set i'w cwblhau.

This week, we have been subtracting numbers.

Could you complete the subtraction sums below?

There are three different sets of sums, choose one set to complete.

Beth am ymarfer tynnu ffwrdd gan chwarae gêm tynnu gan glicio'r linc isod?

How about practising more subtraction sums by playing a game? Click the link below to play.