

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni wedi bod yn adnabod a seinio llythrennau glas tric a chlic.

Fedrwch chi ymarfer adnabod a seinio'r llythrennau yma?

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed sut i seinio'r llythrennau.

This week we have been recognising and pronouncing blue tric a chlic words.

Could you practise recognising and pronouncing these letters?

Click on the link to hear how each letter is pronounced.

Gwaith Cartref/Homework


Yr wythnos hon, buon ni'n cymharu â mesur hyd.

Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw casglu eitemau gwahanol a'u trefnu yn ôl eu hyd.

Beth am fynd am dro a chasglu adnoddau naturiol megis brigau a dail a'u trefnu? Neu gallwch drefnu rhai o'ch teganau yn ôl hyd.

Trefnwch o'r byrraf i'r hiraf.

Gweler y lluniau isod am fwy o syniadau.

This week, we have been comparing length.

Your homework this week. is to collect and order items by length.

How about going on a walk and collecting natural materials like sticks and leaves and ordering them by length? Alternatively you could order some of your toys.

Order from shortest to longest.

See the pictures below for more ideas.

Tasg Ychwanegol/Additional Task

Nawr ddefnyddiwch eich dealltwriaeth o hyd i gwblhau'r dasg isod.

Trefnwch hyd y pethau gwahanol yn y lluniau gan nodi 1, 2 neu 3 ym mhob bocs. 1= byrraf; 3=hiraf

Now use your understanding of length to complete the task below.

Arrange the length of the different items by noting 1, 2 or 3 in each book. 1=shortest; 3=longest

Diwrnod Shwmae/Shwmae Day

Mae Diwrnod Shwmae yn digwydd ym mis Hydref bob blwyddyn ac yn gyfle gwych i gael hwyl yn defnyddio’r iaith Gymraeg ym mhobman.

Fel tasg gwaith cartref, ewch ati i greu’r gair ‘Shwmae’ allan o wahanol wrthrychau sydd yn y tŷ neu yn yr ardd. Mae ychydig o syniadau isod fel i’ch helpu.

Shwmae Day is an annual event that takes place in October. It's an opportunity to have fun and share the Welsh language – in the shop, leisure centre, at work and with friends.

To celebrate the day, have a go at making the word ‘Shwmae’ (Hello) out of different objects and materials that you have in the house or in the garden. There are a few examples below to help you.