
Sillafu / Spellings:

Dewch i ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod.

Beth am amseru eich hun i weld sawl gwaith fedrwch sillafu pob gair o fewn munud?

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i glywed Eirian yn darllen ac yn ehangu'r geiriau.

Can you practise spelling the words below?

How about timing yourself to see how many times you can spell each word within a minute?

Click on the the link below to hear Eirian reading and pronouncing the words.

Gwaith Cartref / Homework:

Yr wythnos hon, buon ni'n ymarfer darllen yr amser ar glociau analog. Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw dynnu llun neu greu cloc analog. Gweler syniadau isod. Ar ôl creu'r cloc, fedrwch chi ddangos yr amseroedd isod ar y cloc?

This week, we have been practising telling the time on analogue clocks. Your homework this week is to draw or create your own clock. Please see the ideas below. After creating the clock, could you display the times below on it?

1 o'r gloch / 1 o'clock

4 o' gloch / 4 o'clock

hanner awr wedi 7 / half past 7

9 o'r gloch / 9 o'clock

hanner awr wedi 9 / half past 9

11 o'r gloch / 11 o'clock

12 o'r gloch / 12 o'clock

hanner awr wedi 12 / half past 12

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i ymarfer dangos a darllen yr amser ar gloc analog.

Click on the link below to practise displaying and reading the time on an analogue clock.