

Dewch i ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod.

Beth am weld faint o weithiau gallwch ysgrifennu'r gair o fewn munud? Cliciwch ar y linc i'r dde i glywed Mrs Dalgleish yn ynganu'r geiriau.

Can you practise spelling the words below?

How about seeing how many times you can spell each word withn a minute? Click the link to the right to hear Mrs Dalgleish pronouncing the words.

yn (in)

y (the)

ar (on)

mae (there is)

geiriau sillafu 1-10-21.mp4

Gwaith Cartref/Homework


Yr wythnos hon, buon ni'n adio rhifau.

Fedrwch chi gysylltu bob llinyn balŵn gyda'r ateb cywir yn y lluniau isod?

Mae yna tri set o symiau gwahanol, dewiswch un set i'w cwblhau neu beth am drio pob un?

This week, we have been adding numbers.

Could you connect each balloon string with the correct answer in the pictures below?

There are three different sets of sums, choose one set to complete or how about attempting all three?

Beth am ymarfer eich sgiliau adio ymhellach gan chwarae'r gêm sblat ffrwyth? Cliciwch ar y linc isod.

How about practising your addition skills further by playing the fruit splat addition game? Click on the link below.