

Dewch i ymarfer sillafu'r geiriau isod.

Could you practise spelling the words below?

fi (me)

ti (you)

hi (her)

fe (him)

ni (us)

Beth am dynnu llun siapiau gwahanol ac yna ymarfer sillafu’r geiriau tu fewn i’r siapiau?

How about drawing different shapes and then practise writing the words within the shapes?

Cliciwch ar y linc i glywed Mrs Dalgleish yn ynganu’r geiriau.

Click on the link to hear Mrs Dalgleish pronouncing the words.

geiriau sillafu 5ed o Dachwedd.mp4

Gwaith Cartref/Homework

Yr wythnos hon, buon ni’n adnabod ac yn didoli odrifau ac eilrifau.

Eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos hon yw i sortio’r odrifau ac eilrifau gwahanol sydd ar y peli yn y lluniau isod.

Mae yna ddau set o rifau gwahanol i ddidoli. Dewiswch un set i’w cwblhau.

Gallwch ddefnyddio’r taflenni isod er mwyn sortio’r rhifau neu gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith mewn unrhyw ffordd yr hoffech, e.e. gan greu tabl neu gan sortio’r rhifau’n ymarferol.

This week, we have been recognising and sorting odd and even numbers.

Your homework this week. is to sort the odd and even numbers on the footballs in the pictures below.

There are two different sets of numbers. Choose one set to sort.

You could use the worksheets below to sort the numbers, or you can display your work in any way you wish, for example you could create a table or sort the numbers in a practical way.

Beth am chwarae gêm odrifau ac eilrifau? Cliciwch ar y linc isod.

How about playing an odd and even number game? Click on the link below.