
Tric a Chlic:

Buon ni'n ymarfer adnabod a seinio'r llythrennau pinc dros yr wythnosau ddiwethaf. Fedrwch chi adnabod pob un o'r llythrennau isod? Cliciwch ar y linc er mwyn clywed y llythrennau gwahanol yn cael eu seinio.

We have been recognising and pronouncing the pink letter sounds over the last few weeks. Can you recognise each of the letter sounds below? Click on the link to hear the letters being pronounced.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Adio / Addition:

Buon ni'n cwblhau symiau adio yr wythnos hon. Eich gwaith cartref yw cwblhau symiau adio. Mae yna tri set gwahanol, dewiswch un set i'w cwblhau.

We have been completing addition sums this week. Your homework this week is to complete addition sums. There are three different sets, choose one set to complete.

Dewch i chwarae gêm adio gan glicio ar y linc isod.

How about playing an addition game by clicking on the link below?