Arweinyddiaeth Strategol Addysgu a Dysgu

Strategic Leadership of Teaching and Learning

Nod y dudalen hon yw rhannu arfer a phrocio’r meddwl ar sut i ddatblygu strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu er mwyn gwireddu amcanion Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Yma ceisiwn ateb y cwestiynau canlynol. Pam oes angen strategaeth? Pa bethau y dylem eu hystyried wrth ddatblygu strategaeth a sut y gallwn ei chyfleu'n effeithiol i randdeiliaid?

This page aims to share practice and provoke thinking around whole school development of Teaching and Learning to realise the ambitions set out in curriculum for Wales . Why do we need a Teaching & Learning strategy? What things should we consider when developing a strategy and how can we articulate it effectively?

Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu - Pam?

Teaching and Learning Strategy - Why?

A pre-condition to improving student learning outcomes is whether the leadership team and staff members have a clear understanding of the school’s improvement plan - the what and how - and have developed clear Success Criteria for measuring the collective and individual successes……. Teachers in highly successful schools, then, are able to articulate and demonstrate through their teaching practice the intent of the improvement plan and are able to monitor how they are working toward the fulfilment of the plan.

(Clarity, Sharratt, 2019 p14)

TandL strategy FINAL CYM.pdf

Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho strategaeth dysgu ac addysgu enghreifftiol.

Beth gall ein cynorthwyo ni i ddatblygu Arweiniad Strategol y Dysgu ac Addysgu?

What can support us in developing our Strategic Leadership of Teaching and Learning?

Cliciwch yma i ymweld a wefan Lyn Sharratt.

Click here to visit Lyn Sharratt’s website.

Yn ei llyfr Clarity (2019), mae Lyn Sharratt yn amlinellu 14 elfen y gall arweinwyr ystyried wrth gynllunio strategaeth dysgu ac addysgu. Mae'n amlinellu mewn ffordd ymarferol sut i flaenoriaethu Dysgu ac Addysgu drwy roi wynebau ar y data a chynnal teithiau dysgu effeithiol. Rydym yn argymell hyn fel llyfr da i gefnogi strategaeth Addysgu a Dysgu.

In her 2019 book Clarity, Lyn Sharratt outlines 14 parameters to guide School leaders in developing strategic leadership of teaching and learning. Sharratt exemplifies in a practical way how leaders can prioritise Teaching and Learning by putting faces on the data and conducting effective learning walks and talk. We recommend this as a good book to support a Teaching and Learning strategy.

Fideo ar sut mae St Albans wedi defnyddio Clarity i ddatblygu Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu.

Video on how St Albans have used Clarity to shape their Teaching and learning Strategy.

Fideo ar sut mae St Joseph's wedi datblygu bwriadau dysgu hirdymor i ddatblygu Addysgu a Dysgu.

Video on how St Joseph’s have developed strategies such as long-term learning intentions to develop Teaching and Learning.

Fideo ar sut mae John Frost wedi defnyddio cyfarfodydd canolbwyntio (case managment) a amlinellir mewn Clarity i ddatblygu Addysgu a Dysgu.

Video on how John Frost have use the case management approach outlined in clarity to develop Teaching and Learning.

Fideo ar sut mae Lewis Girls wedi defnyddio pum cwestiwn allweddol ‘Clarity’ i ddatblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu.

Video on how Lewis Girls have used five critical questions from Clarity to develop Teaching and learning.

Cyfleu ein Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu i'n Rhanddeiliaid

Sharing our Teaching and Learning Strategy with Stakeholders

Cynnwys Cynorthwywyr Addysgu yn eich Strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu

Including Teaching Assistants within your Teaching And Learning Strategy

Ymchwil a darllen pellach

Research and further reading


Adroddiad yr EEF – Gwneud y defnydd gorau o Gynorthwywyr

EEF report – Making the best use of Teaching Assistants

Adnoddau sy’n gallu cynorthwyo ysgolion wrth ffurfio eu strategaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu.

Resources that can support schools in developing their Teaching and Learning strategy

Gwella Addysgu.pdf

Cliciwch yma i lawrlwytho adroddiad ESTYN ar wella Addysgeg.


Click here to download ESTYN report on improving teaching.