Arwain Addysgeg

Leading Pedagogy

Rhaglen Dysgu Proffesiynol Cwricwlwm i Gymru ar gyfer Penaethiaid ac Uwch Arweinwyr

Curriculum for Wales Professional Learning Programme for Headteachers and Senior Leaders

Addysgeg Arweiniol

Mae Modiwl Addysgeg Arweiniol Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru yn cynnwys 3 modiwl sy'n cwmpasu'r meysydd isod:

Addysgeg Arweiniol 1: Y 12 Egwyddor Addysgeg ac Adeiladu

Addysgeg Arweiniol 2: Beth allwn ni ei ddysgu o wyddoniaeth wybyddol?

Addysgeg Arweiniol 3: Arwain Ymchwil ac Ymholi Effeithiol

Mae'r holl sesiynau dysgu proffesiynol byw a deunyddiau cysylltiedig i'w gweld o dan yr adrannau perthnasol.

Leading Pedagogy

The National Curriculum for Wales Leading Pedagogy Module comprises of 3 bitesized modules covering the areas below:

Leading Pedagogy 1: The 12 Pedagogical Principles and Constructivism

Leading Pedagogy 2: What can we learn from cognitive Science?

Leading Pedagogy 3: Leading Effective Research and Enquiry

All live professional learning sessions and associated materials can be found under the relevant sections.

Arwain Addysgeg (Y 12 Egwyddor Addysgeg)

Leading Pedagogy 1 (The 12 Pedagogical Principles)

Sesiwn Dysgu Proffesiynol Byw

Live Professional Learning Session

Leading Pedagogy 1 - 12 PPs (w).pptx

Pwynt Pwer Cymraeg

PowerPoint Welsh

Leading Pedagogy 1 - 12 PPs (1).pptx

Pwynt Pwer Saesneg

PowerPoint English

National Curriculum for Wales Curriculum Leading Pedagogy (Cym Final).docx

Llawlyfr Cyfranogwyr Cymraeg

Participant Handbook Welsh

National Curriculum for Wales Curriculum Leading Pedagogy (FINAL).docx

Llawlyfr Cyfranogwyr Saesneg

Participant Handbook English

Arwain Addysgeg: Beth allwn ni ei ddysgu o seicoleg wybyddol?

Leading Pedagogy: What can we learn from cognitive psychology?

Sesiwn Dysgu Proffesiynol Byw - (rhan 1)

Live Professional Learning Session -(part 1)

Cognitive Load Theory

Sesiwn Dysgu Proffesiynol Byw - (rhan 2)

Live Professional Learning Session - (part 2)

Prawf sylw dethol

Y prawf ymwybyddiaeth gwreiddiol, byd-enwog gan Daniel Simons a Christopher Chabris. Edrychwch ar ein llyfr a'n gwefan am fwy o wybodaeth.

Selective attention test

The original, world-famous awareness test from Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris. Check out our book and website for more information.

Sesiwn Dysgu Proffesiynol Byw - (rhan 3)

Live Professional Learning Session - (part 3)

In-attentional Blindness, Deep Processing and Distributed Practice. In this part of the session a number of key findings from cognitive psychology are unpicked.

Robert Bjork - desirable difficulties: slowing down learning

Fast learning doesn't lead to long-term retention of information. In this interview, Dr. Bjork explains that it is beneficial to create study conditions.

Sesiwn Dysgu Proffesiynol Byw - (rhan 4)

Live Professional Learning Session - (part 4)

Part 4 Desirable Difficulties, Evidence 'Uninformed' Practice and Key Questions for Curriculum Design

In this part of the session a detailed consideration of desirable difficulties is given. The session also considers the strategies that have no basis in evidence (when viewed through the lens of a cognitive scientist) and the questions that cognitive science research poses for curriculum design.

CfW Cog Sci (FINAL) (2) (1) (w).pptx

Pwynt Pwer Cymraeg

PowerPoint Welsh

Leading Pedagogy 2 - Cognitive Science (1) (1).pptx

Pwynt Pwer Saesneg

PowerPoint English

National Curriculum for Wales Curriculum Leading Pedagogy (CogPsy) (FINAL) (w) (1).docx

Llawlyfr Cyfranogwyr Cymraeg

Participant Handbook Welsh

National Curriculum for Wales Curriculum Leading Pedagogy (CogPsy) (FINAL) (1).docx

Llawlyfr Cyfranogwyr Saesneg

Participant Handbook English

Arwain Addysgeg: Arwain Ymchwil ac Ymholi Effeithiol

Leading Pedagogy: Leading Effective Research and Enquiry

CfW SL Session 4 the role of Enquiry and research.cyf.pptx

Pwynt Pwer Cymraeg

PowerPoint Welsh

CfW SL Session 4 the role of Enquiry and research.pptx

Pwynt Pwer Saesneg

PowerPoint English

Dulliau ysgol gyfan o arwain addysgeg

Whole school approaches to leading pedagogy

Fideo ar sut mae Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili wedi datblygu Metaymwybyddiaeth o fewn yr ysgol.

A video describing how Ysgol Gymraeg Caerffili have developed Metacgnition within the school as part of their NPEP project. (Welsh Medium)

Dulliau clwstwr o arwain addysgeg

Cluster approaches to leading pedagogy

Ysgol Rhiw Syr Dafydd - NPEP project – progression across the cluster

I ddarllen ymchwiliad Rhiw Syr Dafydd yn llawn – cliciwch yma

To read Rhiw Syr Dafydd’s enquiry in full, click here

Ymchwil a darllen pellach

Research and further reading


Beth sy'n gwneud Addysgeg da?

What makes great pedagogy?


Egwyddorion Addysgeg effeithiol

Principles for effective pedagogy


Dylan Wiliam - Y berthynas rhwng Asesu a Dysgu ac Addysgu

Dylan Wiliam - Assessment the bridge between Teaching and Learning

Changing classroom practice.pdf

Dylan Wiliam - Newid Arfer yn yr YStafell ddosbarth

Dylan Wiliam - Changing Classroom Practice

Llywodraeth Cymru ac Estyn

Welsh Government and Estyn

Fideo ESTYN - Cynorthwyo ysgolion i wella addysgu a dysgu

ESTYN video – Supporting Schools to improve Teaching and learning

Talk Pedagogy Spring Summer 2022.pdf

Talk Pedagogy is a safe space to talk. Here are the sessions planned for Spring & Summer

Click here to join the team

Trafod Addysgeg Gwanwyn Haf 2022.pdf

Mae Trafod Addysgeg yn lle diogel i drafod, wele amserlen y sesiynau ar gyfer y Gwanwyn a’r Haf Cliciwch yma i ymuno a'r Tim

211028 Addysgeg a chynnydd.pptx

Cyfres o gwestiynau i ddatblygu meddwl ynghylch arweinyddiaeth strategol o Addysgeg

211028 Pedagogy and Progression PP_ENG.pptx

A series of questions to develop thinking around strategic Leadership of Pedagogy