
Information for all - Gwybodaeth i bawb

As we are sure you can appreciate, the national and local situation is changing daily. If there is any news or there are changes to school policy regarding Covid-19 or if we find ourselves having to instruct groups of pupils to self-isolate, this information will be communicated here on this page as soon as practically possible. 

You can also find information and advice regarding well-being on this page as well as information about what to do if you or your child are required to self-isolate.  

For information about learning at home please click the link on the 'learning @ home' button. 

For letters from the headteacher and important notices for parents, please view our news pages or click on the 'Parents' button above.

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.

Current information for Parents/Carers

Click the buttons here for our most current information regarding COVID. 

Lateral Flow Test Information.

Information regarding lateral flow testing.

Learning @ Home Information for Pupils / Parents

Learning @ Home Information for pupils and parents.

The school has produced a separate website for Cynffig learners so that they have a central 'hub' for information regarding home learning. Our learning@home site can be access from the hyperlink or clicking the button at the top of this page. 

What do I need to know?

Information from the BCBC Local Education Authority, 'Public Health Wales', or general advice from the NHS can be found below. 

Click on this icon for information regarding Ready, Respectful, Safe, Super 6 and our Discipline For Learning.

Click on this icon for support with looking after your well-being and also for guidance for parents and carers.

Click on this icon to find lots of information on keeping yourself safe. This includes information on facemasks, washing your hands, keeping within your bubble, routines regarding toilets, zones, mobile phones and equipment and the sharing of food and drink. 

Important web-links

These hyperlinks will take you to important, useful websites regarding seeking information and advice about Coronavirus / Covid-19.