

At Cynffig everyone looks forward to visiting the Lesser Hall at break time and Main Hall canteen at lunch time to sample the delicious food on offer! Our canteen staff work hard to keep you satisfied. Remember to smile and say thank you when you see them. 

Break Times & Lunchtimes

Break time is at 10.50-11.10

Lunch time is 1.30- 2.0

Pre-ordering at Break 

This service is suspended at the current time.

There is opportunity for you to take advantage of our pre-ordering system at break time.  That way you can collect your lunch and make your way to any clubs and activities that are going on!


Check out some of the menus below to see what is on offer! Baguettes, Cooked dinners, Hot dogs, Pizza, Pasta pots, Salads, Sandwiches, Brownies... The list is endless!