

Pupils who are offered a place in the SRC in year 6 are encouraged to attend our open evenings and taster sessions.

Click on the link below to see our transition video for year 6 pupils.


All year 6 pupils are invited to attend a number of transition sessions before arriving at Cynffig in year 7. Pupils with additional needs and those who are anxious about transition are offered our Helping Hands programme. Click on this link to see our Helping Hands programme, otherwise, click the icon to see our main transition pages.

Important stages of development

Moving from Year 9 (KS3) to Year 10 (KS4)

During year 9 pupils choose their option subjects for year 10. There are a number of vocational courses on offer to those pupils who prefer to learn using ‘hands on’ more practical tasks.

The Prince’s Trust course offers construction work that gives the children a taste of plumbing, brick laying and carpentry.

Parents and teachers meet during year 9 to decide the most appropriate subjects for the pupils to take in year 10.

Moving from Year 11 (KS4) to college or 6th form (KS5)

We have excellent links with Bridgend College and YBC 6th form.

Nicola Thomas the transition officer at Bridgend College meets parents and pupils to discuss transition while they are in year 11. The college run a number of open evenings throughout the year. Staff offer a summer programme for those pupils with additional needs who need to more opportunities to familiarise themselves with the campus.

Click on the link below to see the transition programme at Bridgend College.

Bridgend College - Additional Learning Support

YBC (Ysgol Bryn Castell) has a very small 6th form of about 20 pupils. Pupils with additional needs can apply to the local Authority for a place at this school. An Access to Education panel will assess the application forms and a place will be confirmed in the summer term of year 11.