Continuing to develop Digital Leadership Programme

Session 2

February 2024

What are the 'DCF Expectations' in your school?


Mapping the provision

DCF Expectations

Some schools use a method of setting a 'minimum expectation'. This means that you turn the target baseline into something measurable. To do this, you would need to set an expectation for each strand of the Framework.

For example, you might set the following expectations for each year group:

The target baseline can be adjusted regularly to make sure you have struck a balance between being ambitious and achievable. The digital leader would need to carefully manage the implementation of this, ensuring that the activities are of a high standard, where digital competence is used to improve learning and outcomes across the curriculum. It is also important to consider and plan for progression, in order to allow a sufficient level of challenge that progressively develops learners' skills.

Click Here to download a copy of the file

To download the file as an Excel file you'll nee to select  File > Download > Microsoft Excel


Here is an example of the completed mapping document





Creating digital portfolios to monitor consistency, progression and share good practice

Alternatively, One Note can be an option to map the Digital Competence Framework

see here how you can place links to examples of the work in the table


Why not use Google Sites to create a digital portfolio in order to keep a record / evidence of the progression of digital learning.

Planning for Progression

Click on images to open websites.

The 'SAMR' model

There are various models that can be used to develop effective digital learning. One example that schools could consider is the SAMR model. The model was originally created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura with the intention of outlining the best practices for using digital learning in the classroom.

Examples of using SAMR to redefine tasks

Some examples of how you may use the SAMR model with different tasks:

Original task: Create a travel brochure with magazine cut-outs and handwritten text. 


Replace the magazine cut-outs and text by adding images and text to a design program like Microsoft PowerPoint,  Adobe express presentation, Google slides or J2e5.


Create a multimedia presentation using e.g. Adobe express webpage, MS Sway, J2e5 etc to incorporate video, embed links and add more depth to the digital brochure.


Multiple software tools used to build a multimedia web page e.g. Get learners to create a video advert on a holiday destination and embed within presentation page. Create an annotated/interactive map of the destinations and create different sections/pages for the presentation using e.g. Google sites  Adobe express video / web page / embedded google slides with an annotated map etc 


Create a collaborative website with multiple pages using e.g. Google sites with several software platforms used to create the site content and imported/embedded to the site.

Original task: Design your ideal home in a sketchbook.


Replace the sketchbook task by using a basic shapes design package in e.g. word, powerpoint, J2e5, Google docs etc


Use additional features from basic shape design e.g. icons, lines, images, image editing to enhance basic shape design.


Use a specific 3D design package to create a 3D model of your ideal home using e.g. Tinkercad, Google sketch up etc


Use Minecraft to create an interactive design of your ideal home and record a walkthrough explaining the various features.  Export and embed the video in a video editing software package e.g. Adobe express video, Adobe rush, imovie and share with an audience e.g. other class, parents, year group etc

Original task: Create a list of toys for your games shop and note the costs (in your books)


Typing the information out on word - Create a table and set the costs down against each item with a total.


Enter the list of items in a spreadsheet e.g. Google sheets, Excel online, J2 Office spreadsheet and using the 'autosum' feature to calculate costs.


Use formulae within a spreadsheet to calculate e.g. cost of items, profit margin, as well as adjusting the spreadsheet to keep stock costs under a certain budget.


Add to the previous spreadsheet by creating other sheets that calculate e.g. stock bought / sold, sales totals for the week etc.

Also, an online order form could be created using MS Forms or Google Forms and perhaps a digital poster could be created to advertise the new store.

Monitoring, evaluation and review processes

Cross Curr Skills Recording Sheet 2024.docx

The expectation is that you only select a few lines of enquiry that allow your settings digital policies, procedures, vision and values to strengthen and develop. MER activities should be structured, purposeful and support you to review actions towards your digital vision. 

Shared to the right and below are exemplar lines of enquiry based on the following areas of focus, these could be used to support you as you evaluate and review digital competence within your setting.








Monitoring, evaluation and review methods 

Work Scrutiny


When undertaking work scrutiny, you will be looking at learners' work over a period of time. You can focus on a cross-section of pupils, or on a particular age range. In some cases, you will be doing this alongside the learners. This can be beneficial to enable you to gather more information about the tasks in question. 

You can look at work in books and digitally. It is important to remember that a full picture of learners' achievement is required, and this may mean you need access to a number of different services (for example Google Classroom, Flipgrid, Adobe CC Express etc.)


Questions to consider Strand 1 DC Framework.docx
Questions to consider Strand 2 DC framework.docx
Questions to consider Strand 3 DC Framework.docx
Questions to consider Strand 4 DC Framework.docx

Progress conversation - Interviewing learners


You will be interviewing a cross-section of learners. This can be across a range of ages.  You can interview everyone together, but it can also be effective to interview on a year group / class basis. When interviewing there will be an opportunity to discuss learners’ work with them, and the hope is that learners can explain what they have achieved, using subject terminology and technical language accurately. You will be able to see learners' confidence as they find various tasks, and see whether there is consistency in how their work is shared and stored. You can discuss the feedback they get, and how this helps them to learn and to improve the standard of their work.


Progress conversation Strand 1 DCF.docx
Progress conversation Strand 2 DCF.docx
Progress conversation Strand 3 DCF.docx
Progress conversation Strand 4 DCF.docx

Learning walk


During a learning walk you will visit different classrooms to see the teaching and learning in action. You can make brief visits to classrooms to develop an understanding of the lessons delivered. You will be speaking to learners to gain a full picture of the leaning process as well as hearing their views about the work and their confidence in completing it. A learning walk can be conducted across the whole school, or it can focus on an age range or specific departments. In some cases, forewarning teachers of the area under review before conducting the learning walk is effective practice, so as to ensure the area in question is in action during the lesson. This would ensure you are able to observe more factors to contribute to your enquiry, and help you to come to a judgement on what you observe. 


Questions to consider Learning walk Strand 1 DC Framework.docx
Questions to consider Learning walk Strand 2 DC framework.docx
Questions to consider Learning walk Strand 3 DC Framework.docx
Questions to consider Learning walk Strand 4 DC Framework.docx

Reviewing schemes of work


When reviewing schemes of work, you will be looking through all schemes of work that contain aspects of digital learning. This will usually take place fairly early in the year in order to ensure the mapping of digital competence experiences. Mapping is the process of looking ahead over a period of time in order to ensure variety and balance throughout the area. It must be ensured planned experiences are of a high standard and develop all aspects of digital competence across the whole curriculum. 


Staff Audit

You can share an audit that measures staff's digital skills, their confidence to teach digital skills and how they offer experiences which ensures an appropriate level of challenge.

There are links below to questionnaire templates that you can adapt, edit and share.

You could use these at the initial stage to identify a baseline, and repeat over time in order to measure the impact of your actions.

For the first link you will need to click and then select the option to duplicate. To complete the questionnaire in Welsh you must go to the language options at the top of the screen and select 'Welsh'.

Holiadur Staff (Microsoft Forms)

Staff Questionnaire (Google Forms) (English )