Arweinyddiaeth Ddigidol

Digital Leadership

A Digital Leadership program will be held for Mid Wales Education Partners during the 2023/24 academic year.

The main intention of the program is to support schools to plan strategically, to develop further and realize their digital agenda.

Beginning the Digital Leadership Programme Journey - Session 1

27/09/2023 - English

Iaith / Language: Saesneg / English

Hyd / Duration: 2 awr / hours (13:00 - 15:00)

Cynulleidfa darged / Target audience: Uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr digidol / Senior leaders and digital leads 

Trosolwg o'r cwrs / Course overview: Mae’r rhaglen arweinyddiaeth ddigidol yn ymdrin â gwahanol agweddau o arweinyddiaeth ddigidol strategol. Mae’r sesiwn yma yn un o gyfres o 3 sesiwn am arweinyddiaeth ddigidol fydd yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd.

Bydd y sesiwn yma yn ffocysu ar: 

Gweledigaeth ysgol gyfan.

360 Safe a 360 Digi Cymru

Cylchred Monitro, Gwerthuso ac Adolygu 

Strwythur a chyfrifoldebau staff

Model Cwricwlwm a pholisïau

Templed Polisi a Pholisiau Atodol Diogelwch Ar-lein i Ysgolion

Dilysu aml-ffactor

The digital leadership programme will cover different aspects of strategic digital leadership. This session is part of a series of 3 sessions about digital leadership which will be held during this academic year.

Whole-school vision.

360 Safe a 360 Digi Cymru

Staff structure and responsibilities.

Curriculum model and policies

Online safety policy template and supplementary policies for schools

Multi-factor Authentication

Fformat / Format: Sesiwn rithiol drwy Teams / Virtual session through Teams

Hyfforddwr / Trainer:

Kay Morris Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol TGCh 

Eryl Jones Athro Ymgynghorol TGCh

Rob Walters Arweinydd Digidol 

I gofrestru cliciwch yma / Follow this link to register

Unwaith i chi gofrestru danfoni'r dolen i chi cael ymuno yn agosach at ddyddiad yr hyfforddiant  / Once you have registered a link to join will be sent to your e-mail closer to the course date. 

Beginning the Digital Leadership Programme Journey - Session 2

31/01/2024 - English

Iaith / Language: Saesneg / English

Hyd / Duration: 2 awr / hours (13:00 - 15:00)

Cynulleidfa darged / Target audience: Uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr digidol / Senior leaders and digital leads 

Trosolwg o'r cwrs / Course overview: Mae’r rhaglen arweinyddiaeth ddigidol yn ymdrin â gwahanol agweddau o arweinyddiaeth ddigidol strategol. Mae’r sesiwn yma yn un o gyfres o 3 sesiwn am arweinyddiaeth ddigidol fydd yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd.

Yn ystod y sesiwn bydden yn ffocysu ar 

Cynllunio ar gyfer dysgu digidol effeithiol

Y model 'SAMR'

Egwyddorion dylunio dysgu digidol

Datblygu dysgu digidol ar draws pob Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad

Cadernid digidol a seibrddiogelwch

Hyfforddiant Gwe-rwydo

Safonau Digidol

Cyllidebu a Phartneriaid Ed Tech

The digital leadership programme will cover different aspects of strategic digital leadership. This session is part of a series of 3 sessions about digital leadership which will be held during this academic year.

During the session we will be focusing on:

Planning for effective digital learning

The 'SAMR' model

Digital learning design principles

Developing digital learning across all AoLE’s

Digital resilience and cyber security

Phishing Awareness Training

Education Digital Standards

Budgeting and Ed Tech Partners

The digital leadership programme will cover different aspects of strategic digital leadership. This session is part of a series of 3 sessions about digital leadership which will be held during this academic year.

Fformat / Format: Sesiwn rithiol drwy Teams / Virtual session through Teams

Hyfforddwr / Trainer:

Kay Morris Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol TGCh 

Eryl Jones Athro Ymgynghorol TGCh

Rob Walters Arweinydd Digidol 

I gofrestru cliciwch yma / Follow this link to register

Unwaith i chi gofrestru danfoni'r dolen i chi cael ymuno yn agosach at ddyddiad yr hyfforddiant  / Once you have registered a link to join will be sent to your e-mail closer to the course date. 

Beginning the Digital Leadership Programme Journey - Session 3

08/05/2024 - English

Iaith / Language: Saesneg / English

Hyd / Duration: 2 awr / hours (13:00 - 15:00)

Cynulleidfa darged / Target audience: Uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr digidol / Senior leaders and digital leads 

Trosolwg o'r cwrs / Course overview: Mae’r rhaglen arweinyddiaeth ddigidol yn ymdrin â gwahanol agweddau o arweinyddiaeth ddigidol strategol. Mae’r sesiwn yma yn un o gyfres o 3 sesiwn am arweinyddiaeth ddigidol fydd yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd.

Yn ystod y sesiwn bydden yn ffocysu ar;

• Modelau dysgu proffesiynol

• Datblygu cysondeb a dilyniant trwy ddull clwstwr

• Datblygu dealltwriaeth gyffredin o'r Fframwaith a dilyniant mewn sgiliau digidol

• Creu portffolios digidol i fonitro cysondeb, dilyniant a rhannu arfer ragorol

The digital leadership programme will cover different aspects of strategic digital leadership. This session is part of a series of 3 sessions about digital leadership which will be held during this academic year.

During the session we will be focusing on:

Professional learning models

Developing consistency and progression through a cluster approach

Developing a shared understanding of the DCF and progression in digital skills

Creating digital portfolios to monitor consistency, progression and share good practice

The digital leadership programme will cover different aspects of strategic digital leadership. This session is part of a series of 3 sessions about digital leadership which will be held during this academic year.

Fformat / Format: Sesiwn rithiol drwy Teams / Virtual session through Teams

Hyfforddwr / Trainer:

Kay Morris Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol TGCh 

Eryl Jones Athro Ymgynghorol TGCh

Rob Walters Arweinydd Digidol 

I gofrestru cliciwch yma / Follow this link to register

Unwaith i chi gofrestru danfoni'r dolen i chi cael ymuno yn agosach at ddyddiad yr hyfforddiant  / Once you have registered a link to join will be sent to your e-mail closer to the course date.

Continuing to develop Digital Leadership Programme  - Session 1

04/10/2023 - English

Iaith / Language: Saesneg / English

Hyd / Duration: 2 awr / hours (13:00 - 15:00)

Cynulleidfa darged / Target audience: Uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr digidol / Senior leaders and digital leads 

Trosolwg o'r cwrs / Course overview: Mae’r rhaglen yma yn adeiladu ar yr hyn a thrafodwyd yn ystod sesiynau arweinyddiaeth ddigidol y flwyddyn blaenorol. Mae’r sesiwn yma yn un o gyfres o 2 fydd yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd / 

This program builds on what was discussed during the previous year's digital leadership sessions. This session is one of a series of 2 that will be held during the academic year.

Fformat / Format: Sesiwn rithiol drwy Teams / Virtual session through Teams

Hyfforddwr / Trainer:

Kay Morris Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol TGCh 

Eryl Jones Athro Ymgynghorol TGCh

Rob Walters Arweinydd Digidol 

Continuing to develop Digital Leadership Programme  - Session 2

07/02/2024 - English

Iaith / Language: Saesneg / English

Hyd / Duration: 2 awr / hours (13:00 - 15:00)

Cynulleidfa darged / Target audience: Uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr digidol / Senior leaders and digital leads 

Trosolwg o'r cwrs / Course overview: Mae’r rhaglen yma yn adeiladu ar yr hyn a thrafodwyd yn ystod sesiynau arweinyddiaeth ddigidol y flwyddyn blaenorol. Mae’r sesiwn yma yn un o gyfres o 2 fydd yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd / 

This program builds on what was discussed during the previous year's digital leadership sessions. This session is one of a series of 2 that will be held during the academic year.

Fformat / Format: Sesiwn rithiol drwy Teams / Virtual session through Teams

Hyfforddwr / Trainer:

Kay Morris Uwch Athrawes Ymgynghorol TGCh 

Eryl Jones Athro Ymgynghorol TGCh

Rob Walters Arweinydd Digidol