Tips to Help Manage Stress

  1. Write down your thoughts, fears, and ideas in a journal. Encourage others who feel disconnected and anxious to do the same.

  2. Write a letter to a friend.

  3. Make a playlist and put your headphones on.

  4. Can you create a privacy screen out of a cardboard box (and decorate it?)

  5. Stress Relief Six Tips from Connolly to help your whole body calm down, slip away on a mental vacation and reset your day. Read a book in bed. Connolly says this is a great escape and can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever is outside your bedroom door. Your bed is cozy, comfortable, and a peaceful place for you. It can feel luxurious to get lost in a good book and is a way to forget, then refocus, your own thoughts.

  6. Visualize relaxation. Steal a few quiet moments to close your eyes and focus on releasing the tension from your toes to your head. Think of an image that relaxes you — such as the warm sun on your skin or the sound of the ocean, a big country field sprinkled with flowers, or a trickling stream. Connolly also suggests thinking back to a time when you felt peaceful and relaxed.

  7. Look at pictures from a happy time. Connolly recommends pulling out snapshots of a family vacation or a fun dinner with friends. Reflect on your memories of that occasion, and what made it so enjoyable. Spend a few quiet moments reminiscing, and you'll find yourself more relaxed.

  8. Look out a window. Distract yourself by focusing on something other than what's stressing you. Grab a steaming cup of coffee or tea and take a mental break. Notice the sensory details of your experience in the present moment. Do a little people watching, appreciate any birds within view, or enjoy some fluffy clouds rolling by. Allow yourself to daydream for a few minutes.

  9. Listen to a relaxation CD or find a YouTube clip for Relaxation Sounds: Commit to a short daily escape, says Connolly. You may like to hear chirping birds, rolling waves, or gentle rain — whatever your choice, closing your eyes and listening to soothing sounds while doing some deep breathing can help you de-stress.

  10. Take a walk. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress partly because it's an escape for your mind. Head out for a quiet early morning walk or lace up your sneakers on your lunch break. Walking along a trail, waterfront, or other peaceful place when possible may offer even more relaxation.

  11. Treat yourself to a 5-, 10-, or 20-minute mental vacation each day and train your body to relax and reduce stress — you'll be amazed at how much better you feel after taking just a few luxurious moments all to yourself.

  12. Design new clothing item!

  13. Choreograph a dance in your head. Or just turn on music and start moving.

  14. Write a song!

  15. Make a list of hobbies you want to learn and maybe enlist a friend to learn with you!

  16. Ask someone in your house to teach you a family recipe, but then offer to cook by yourself (you time)!

  17. Or, pick a recipe on your own to try out from these lists:,

  18. Mindfulness Meditation: your thoughts and feelings don't define you....they come and go, and your awareness is the witness; take a moment to notice your awareness, whatever arises in your mind, and to let go of problem-solving...try not to "get on board any one train" of thought (for too long!). Breathe. Check out a Free guided meditation or enjoy a few quiet minutes of Being without judgment.

  19. Take a shower or bath for the purpose of stress relief.

  20. Self-care Journal Prompts: Take a few minutes to Reflect on a Question below.

    • If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be and why?This prompt is specifically relevant because we are living in a confusing time, but answering this question for yourself can help you cope with the anxiety that comes with uncertainty. However you are feeling about the future, please know that you are not alone as we are all dealing with uncertainty. Take this opportunity to write out your feelings in whatever way works best for you!

    • What is something that you did that you are proud of? This prompt can help you remember a time when everything was normal, and we weren't talking or thinking about the Coronavirus. Thinking back to a time when you did something you are proud of can help take your mind out of the present, and bring you to a place that brings you joy and pride!

    • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?This prompt is a great way to fantasize about life beyond the current time. Thinking about traveling the world is a fun way to use your imagination and take you out of your "here and now" state.

    • What is one item you can’t live without? This prompt can help you learn more about what thing value the most in your life and why. Perhaps there is a special item that brings you a lot of comfort? Where did you get it? Who gave it to you? How long have you had it? Where do you keep it?

    • Who do you trust the most and why? This prompt can help you think deeply about who you can look to for support right now and why that person is most trustworthy in your life. It is an important time to think about support networks and connections!

Learn more in the Everyday Health Healthy Living Center.