Year 2

Spring Term

Welcome to Year 2!

This page has links to the Year 2 news, curriculum overview, 'Home Learning' and individual class pages. 

Follow the 'Home Learning' link to find activities to practise your reading, phonics and maths skills at home, and to complete one or more of this term's 'Busy Bee' activities. Remember to bring your work into school to show your teachers and share what you have been doing at home with your peers - we would love to see it!

 Please remind your grown-ups to continue to look at the school website and read the information in the Buzz to remain up to date with upcoming school events and weekly news. 

Click on the link below for the latest 'Home Learning' activities!

Meet the team!

Class 2J

Miss Jolley

Class 2C

     Mrs Crook

Class 2P

Mrs Pell

Class 2MC

Mrs Clarkson

Mrs McCue

Our topic this half term is...

This term we will be exploring our topic "Journey Through Asia" linked to our geography topic of contrasting localities, where we focus on the Brunei water village of Kampong Ayer. Also, in English we will be looking at Meerkat Mail, where we will be exploring letters, story writing and even creating our very own non fiction leaflet. We are continuing to work on all our calculations in maths, as well as looking at positional and directional language! In computing, we start our topic on programming where the children will get the opportunitiy to continue using their algorithm knowledge to programme a sprite on Scratch Jnr. We also explore playground equipment in DT as well as creating lots of peices for Art's week! 

We can not wait for the children to start the next term in year 2 and hope they are motivated to learn all the wonderful new things we have planned. Here's to a fantastic Summer term!

Year 2 Spring News

Please see below for additional information regarding the Spring term ahead.

Year 2 Spring Curriculum

Thank you for visiting our webpage!