Year 1

Summer Term 2024

Welcome to the Year 1 homepage!

This page has links to the Year 1 news, curriculum overview, 'Home Learning' and individual class pages. 

Follow the 'Home Learning' link to find activities to practise your reading, phonics and maths skills at home, and to complete one or more of this term's 'Busy Bee' activities. Remember to bring your work into school to show your teachers and share what you have been doing at home with your peers - we would love to see it!

 Please remind your grown-ups to continue to look at the school website and read the information in the newsletters to remain up to date with upcoming school events and weekly news. 

Meet the Team!

Click on your new class teacher to take a look around year 1 and see your classroom!

Class 1C

Mrs Clark

Class 1D

     Ms De Silva        

Class 1Y

Miss Berry

Class 1B

Miss Byway

Safari Pete 2024

Year 1 have had the exciting opportunity to meet and hold some unusual creatures with the visit of the hugely popular animal experience company, Safari Pete. We enjoyed meeting the likes of Lady Gaga the tarantula, Talluluah the meerkat, Juliet the owl, Boo-Boo the monitor lizard and Drake the snake, to name just a few. We were able to ask lots of questions and share our own knowledge of the various creatures, as well as learning about how these had been rescued. Safari Pete was great fun and it was wonderful to see and hold some of these amazing creatures. 

Click on the carousel of pictures opposite to see some of the amazing creatures we had the opportunity to meet!

Our topic this half term is...

This half term we will be exploring a range of traditional tales in English and looking at how these are structured. We will continue to investigate different types of animal species and their habitats during Science lessons, identifying invertebrates and vertebrates and minibeasts, as well continuing with our observations of seasonal changes. 

 In Geography, we will be naming me and locating the 4 countries of the United Kingdom; looking at daily weather patterns and features of the United Kingdom; and using simple compass directions using locational and directional language

This half term, we will be focusing on number and place value in Maths.  We will also be learning about money, recognising coins and understanding the value of different denominations, and combining a knowledge of money with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to count money efficiently. This half term will also see us learning about time. Telling the time to the hour and half hour, understanding seconds, minutes and hours, and identify activities that can be measured using each unit of time.

In Art, we will be creating our own Kitenge inspired pattern, using a range of resources to create Styrofoam prints, and in D&T we will be designing and creating a moving picture book. In Music, we will exploring instruments and symbols, and in PE it is invasion games and practising our problem solving and team building skills that will be our main focus. RE sees us continuing to explore the life of Jesus through stories, focusing on the messages stories such as The Lost Son, The Good Samaritan, and The Sermon on the Mount give us, and in PSHE our topic is 'Money Matters', where we will be looking at where money comes from, how we can keep it safe, spend it, and what we want versus what we need.

We are very excited to see all the amazing work that we know is yet to come during this summer term. 

Keep up the amazing work, Year 1!

Home Learning

Click on the 'Home Learning' link below for the latest activities for you to try at home!

Year 1 Summer News

Please see below for additional information regarding the spring term ahead.

Year 1 Summer Curriculum

Please see below for this term's curriculum overview for the summer term ahead.