
Summer Term 2024

Welcome to Reception!

We have loved welcoming the children back to school ready for a fun Summer term. We are excited to see what amazing learning takes place this term. 

This half term we are thinking about 'Traditional tales' and 'Summer and journeys'. We will be using focus texts to support our learning. We will be exploring story language and exploring features of a story as well as learning about how to keep safe in the summer when playing near water or out in the sunshine.  We wiil be preparing for the next journey in our education too - getting ready for Year 1!

We would like to thank you all for your support in helping prepare the children for the new term- we are very proud of them!

This page has links to the Reception news, curriculum overview, 'Home Learning' and individual class pages. 

Scroll down to the 'Home Learning' section to find activities to practice your reading, phonics and maths skills at home. 

 Please continue to look at the school website and read the information in the newsletters to remain up to date with upcoming school events and weekly news. 

Meet the team!

Class RF

Miss Fairholm

Class RP

Miss Pearson

Class RC

Miss Corrigan 

Class RK

Miss Keith 

Our topic this half term is...

Summer and journeys

As well as learning through play and following the children's interests this term we will be using books to explore the topic 'Traditional tales' and in Summer 2 'Summer and journeys'. 

The first half of the Summer term we will be focusing on learning about traditional tales and the repetitive language featured in different stories. We will exploring features of stories like the setting, characters and story language. We will also start to take part in singing assembly. 

The second half of the Summer term we will be learning about 'Summer and journeys'. We will be thinking about the summer holidays and learning how to keep safe when playing outside in the sun. We will be learning about the different ways we can travel and we will also be thinking about transition to Year 1. We will be getting busy in the garden too, weeding and planting vegetables. We will be using stories and songs to support our learning. 

Here’s to a great Summer term in Reception!

Home Learning

Click see below for the latest home learning activities!

Please click on the image above to take you to the BBC website where you will find links to activities that link and support the EYFS curriculum. 

Please click on the image above to take you to a website that has top tips for supporting your child with their reading. 

Please click on the image above for top tips when cooking with your child as well as recipes for young children. 

We are learning about the weather and how it changes through the seasons. Click on the image above to take you to the BBC website where there is a programmer you can listen to with your child and learn more about the weather 

Please click on the image above to take you to a website that has top tips for supporting your child with their reading. 

Please click on the image above for a list of the top 100 books for EYFS children 

We love reading! 

Make sure you read your book as often as possible, as well as enjoying your book from the 'Borrow a book' scheme, Oxford Reading Buddy and books you have at home or from the library. Clink the link below to see some suggested book lists for EYFS children. 

Our EOV words this week are:




Please find below our reading words for this half term. These will be updated each week as the words change. 

Reading words: Week beginning 3rd June 2024

Reading words: Week beginning 10th June 2024 

03/06/24 This week we are learning to read the following words:

said, come, have, so

Please help me to learn to read these words. You could stick them on paper and hide them around the house or make a matching game. 

The sounds we are practising are:

a, i, m, s, t, p, o, n, b, c, g, h, k, l, r, u, d, f, v, e, j, w, z, x, y, ck, ss, ff, ll, zz, sh, ch, th, wh, ng, qu, tch, ing, ed

Please help me to practise these too.

Reading words: Week beginning 17th June 2024

Reading words: Week beginning 24th June 2024

Reading words: Week beginning 1st July 2024

Reading words: Week beginning 8th July 2024

Please find below information about our current maths learning and ways to support your child at home. 

In maths pupils will:

Please find below links to some useful websites to support your child with their maths learning at home: 

Please find more information about 'Teaching for Mastery' and the importance of this approach:

Reception Summer Curriculum

Reception Spring Curriculum