Class 1K Giraffes

Spring 2023

Class 1K message - LIVE

Mrs Crook's story time!

I will be uploading two books a week on here for you to watch whilst at home. One non-fiction book and one from our much enjoyed 'Little People, BIG DREAMS' series. I hope you enjoy them

Our Class Pet!

Jeffery the Giraffe, our very own class reading buddy!

Each class is very excited to welcome a new member into the class. Each class now has their very own ‘Reading Buddy’ who will be coming home with a child every Friday. The reading buddy will have a special book to share with your child. We would like you to read the story and then complete a book review ready to share this with the class the following week. We are very excited to read your book review soon.

Book Reviews!

Jeffery the Giraffe is our very own class ‘Reading Buddy’ and will be coming home with a child every Friday. Olly will have a special book to share with your child. We would like you to read the story and then complete a book review ready to share this with the class the following week.

We are very excited to read your book review soon!

Why don't you read one and write your own book review!

How many stars you would give them?

Keep Active!

Class 1K will be taking part in outdoor PE lessons twice a week.

The children should come to school in their PE kit on the days they have PE. PE Kit only should be worn on these days – please see uniform guidance on the website if you are unsure of what child should wear.

PE sessions for Class 1K will take place on Thursdays and Fridays during the Autumn term.

Key Information

Please send your child to school with their book bag every day so they can change their book regularly.

Please supply your child with a bottle of water, clearly labelled with their name. Please fill bottles with water rather than any other type of drink.

Any messages for the day, e.g. a change in collection or a playdate, should be given to the school office or a member of staff at the drop off zone.

Please ensure that all items belonging to your child are clearly labelled, including coats and shoes!