Year 2

Our Year 2 Earth Heroes explored the world through the eyes of a range of different artists. 

When thinking about 'WATER', our Earth Heroes discussed how water ebbs and flows, and thought how the famous Japanese artist, Hokusai captured this movement. Using different tints and shades of blue and white paint, the children created their own 'Great Wave', highlighting how fierce water can be as it crashes onto the shore.

Next, the children explored the ever changing weather that can be found across the globe. The children compared the usually calm and pleasant weather of the UK to the weather experienced in America, discovering that tornados can often be seen swirling across the skies. The Earth Heroes learnt about how tornados are formed and recreated their twisting and twirling action by using pencils to form patterns into a funnel shape, and added a vibrant coloured background to mimic the moodiness of the sky during this extreme weather.

The children looked a little closer to home, when investigating the 'EARTH' element. The Japanese artist, Yayoi Kasama, loved to use bold colours when creating her artwork. Inspired by this, the children designed their own flower artwork, adding dots to outline and highlight the elegance of the flowers found on earth, and then contrasted this by using chalk pens to create a bright and vivid background, just like Kasama does.

Lastly, our Earth Heroes went island hopping as they explored fiery volcanic eruptions. Whilst watching a clip of an erupting volcano, the children noticed how quick the hot lava exploded into the air and saw this quick movement mirrored in the work of Jackson Pollock. Inspired by this, the children flicked different fire coloured paint onto an oil pastel volcano, really capturing the extreme and frenzied nature of an erupting volcano.

We hope you enjoy our online gallery and are inspired, just as we were, by the wonderful world around us!

Wow...look at all our EARTH HEROES in action...

Click on the BEE to view our Year 2 online gallery! We hope you enjoy looking at all of the incredible work that has been created by your incredible children. 

Be sure to check out the different year group pages to see what they have been getting up to!

Dear Earth....Love from your Year 2 Earth Heroes:

Dear Earth...Love 2C xx

Dear Earth...Love 2MC xx

Dear Earth...Love 2J xx

Dear Earth...Love 2P xx