Teaching Toolbox
Here I list some responses to my survey which I sent out to the students of the classrooms I observed:
Do you tend to feel comfortable and included in your classes? If so, what makes u comfortable in these classes? What makes you feel uncomfortable in these classes?
I feel included for the most part but when one person is asking personal questions about if they did the problem right, it gets stressful because the teacher helps them and then they talk a lot in class and not everyone gets to ask their questions. Being comfortable in class has to do with the teacher and how well they include everyone without calling people out. I think what makes it uncomfortable is when the teacher isn't prepared or goes on a tangent when no ones listening.
What is one thing that the teacher does which IS effective to helping you learn?
At the beginning on every class, they summarize the main ideas of the chapter/act. They go over the questions and introduce the most important speeches/events. They also talk about things that will have an impact later in the book and prepares us this way. It is helpful to have the reading guide because the main questions are summarized there even though it is a lot of work. The videos are good to really get the mood of the characters and understand what is going on.
What is one thing that the teacher does which is NOT effective to helping you learn?
The quizzes that are very abstract. I struggle with quizzes that take the reading and make it obscure. I don't learn anything from these quizzes and it makes me feel like I don't know anything.
When do you feel that you can speak in a classroom? Give me a moment where you felt the need to speak.
I feel like I can speak in the classroom but sometimes when one student takes over the class, I can't ask my questions because they either sound dumb or there is no time because the people that do talk are smart and make me feel like my questions are invalid and that I should get it as much as they do. I feel I need to speak when I truly am lost in the lesson and need a recap about the main points.
Is there anything that you want to see in your classes in the future?
I think that the consideration of some kids being introverts meaning that they have trouble speaking up, should have some form of accommodation or a time when they can speak to the teacher during class or outside of class at a designated time so they don't feel pressured into the class.
Here are the general tools for all departments that I have created through my use of student surveys and observations.
Seating / Environment
Have students keep backpacks outside and only bring in the things they need. This leaves more room and fewer distractions.
If the class is mostly unfamiliar with each other, have seating charts which can encourage students to talk more with people they are uncomfortable with.
Make sure the environment is clean. This creates a more work-friendly environment and leaves fewer distractions.
During Conversation
Encourage students to speak up through the use of your own ideas. Sharing your ideas can spark an interest in students.
Have conflicting questions ready but make sure students are comfortable with them. Conflict is the main source of conversation in classrooms.
Make sure students' answers and opinions are validated. This makes them feel like they can mess up without any consequences or getting embarrassed.
Have handouts for each activity done in class. This could help students stay on track and guide them through the activities.
A 2-5 minute break in the middle of class minimizes the number of students who have to use the bathroom when you are teaching. It can also refresh students’ attention span.
For classroom activities, start out with groups for each new unit, and then transition into solo work to get students to learn the material on their own.
If possible, have time out of class to talk to students personally. This makes them feel more comfortable with the teacher and helps students open up more in class and feel the need to speak more.
Teachers could play soft music while students are doing solo work. This could help keep students calm and engaged in their work.
If you feel students are just generally uncomfortable in your class, have a couple of survey questions ready at the end of the week for students to answer about your teaching. This could help you understand your students more.
Try to have office hours available for students who are struggling. This is more effective than having students send questions over email. You could also set up a zoom meeting for students to talk and ask questions out of class.
Make sure your tone of voice matches the environment of the classroom. When lecturing, keep a confident and strong tone. When students are doing work, keep a soft and low tone.
If students do not seem to be talking, you could use popsicle sticks to call out students. Write down students' names on popsicle sticks and put them in a cup. Choose from the cup and you may either choose to call out that student's name or another student if you feel that the chosen student is not ready.
Admitting one's mistakes can help students feel comfortable. It shows that even teachers can make mistakes which will then lead to students feeling they can make mistakes without being judged.