
In our classrooms at HPA, there are many differences. Some of these are students’ abilities in class, racial identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and more. A big factor that affects students' ability to learn in a class is how comfortable the student feels in the classroom. In order to make students feel comfortable to speak up and willing to learn, I have created a document that gives teachers many suggestions on how to help students in these ways.

The Question

What makes a student comfortable in a classroom? How can we make the classroom widely inclusive in terms of learning ability, racial identity, gender identities, sexual orientation and more?

My Project

In order to create this document, I have observed multiple classrooms in many departments and have found the most effective ways in which students learn. I have seen how the students react to some styles of teaching, how often the students speak up, and what the teachers and students can do in order to make the classroom a comfortable learning environment. After these observations, I created a survey that has questions on the teaching styles at HPA. I sent them to the students of the classes I observed and got back many results. I took these results and utilized them in my document.

The document has specific details and actions in a classroom that a teacher can do which will help keep students engaged and want to participate more in the class. The comfortability that is made in a classroom will also lead to students wanting to participate more, which then leads to higher success in that class.

The document has different secti0ns for each department and one general section for all departments. Each department does have specific things they can do which only apply to that department and can help make kids more comfortable in the classroom.