

Daily attendance is of paramount importance, as the benefits of classroom education can only sustain when teacher-student interaction is consistent and prolonged. Students are expected to attend their classes each day that school is in session. The importance of consistent classroom attendance cannot be overemphasized. School absences and tardies undermine the nature and quality of a student’s education. Therefore, the Board of Education, in order to encourage regular attendance, has determined that any student who exceeds a total of seventeen absences, in a school year, may lose credit for the entire year or may be subject to recouping credit hours in PGP content areas labs. Absences due to illness, including those accompanied by a doctor’s note, are not exempt from the district attendance policy.

Absences and Co-Curricular Events

Please note that except under previously-approved and special circumstances, a student who is absent from school during the day may NOT participate in any co-curricular activity. (Note: A student who is absent due to illness may NOT participate.) In addition, students who accrue more than four unexcused absences in any marking period are ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities for the remainder of that marking period.

Religious holidays and unexpected personal or family circumstances are considered excused absences. See Hoboken Board of Education Policy 5113: Attendance, Absences and Excuses.