Special Services Programming

Life Skills

Credits: 5

Course Length: Full Year

Grade Levels: 9 - 12

Life Skills class is geared toward helping students become self-sufficient. By studying the unit topics, students will gain confidence in all the skills needed in life to be successful! Life Skills as a subject is a way of making meaning out of life. The goals of Life Skills include: to have a clear idea of the student’s own identity, to apply knowledge in decision-making, to be able to function effectively, to be socially responsible, to be able to apply effective study skills and to be able to make a realistic career choices. The basic aims of the Life Skills program are to focus on the optimal, holistic development of all learners

Structured Learning Experience (SLE)

Credits: 5

Course Length: Full Year

Grade Levels: 9 - 12

Career preparation requires purposeful planning based on research, self-knowledge and informed choices. SLE is designed to provide students with disabilities exposure to the requirements and responsibilities of specific jobs in the community and to help facilitate the transition to adulthood. SLE promotes inclusion and integration in “real life” environments with peers and community members. Students are taught essential life skills, professional expectations and appropriate workplace behavior. SLE promotes student independence and self-confidence by providing a variety of learning opportunities in the community. All students will apply knowledge about and engage in the process of career awareness, exploration and preparation in order to navigate the globally competitive work environment of the information age. Part I of the course involves Students utilize career inventories to identify career clusters related to their interests, learn how to navigate the employment process from finding a job through obtaining and keeping that job, concluding with personal finance and how to manage their money. In Part II of the course, students are placed with a “structured learning experience” (SLE). SLE is a supervised educational activity linked to the Core Curriculum Content Standards that is designed to provide students with exposure to the requirements and responsibilities of specific job titles or job groups.

Life Skills Video

Credits: 5

Course Length: Full Year

Grade Level: 9 - 12

Students will be introduced to video basics as they capture their school year projects in Life Skills and edit each project to make a final school year video portfolio. Students will be introduced to camera, grip, lighting, and editing techniques.

Work Study

Credits: To be determined based on placement

Course Length: To be determined

Grades: 12

Work Study allows HHS students to receive school credit for part-time work experience of a minimum of ten hours per week. Students must have a job before applying to the program and must receive approval from their employer, counselor, and the principal. Application guidelines and program requirements can be found in the School Counseling Office

Independent Study

Credits: To be determined based on placement

Course Length: To be determined

Grades: 11-12

Independent Study offers a student the chance to study a topic of individual interest under the close supervision of a HHS teacher. Independent Study allows a student to go beyond courses that HHS can offer. Students who wish to consider an Independent Study must speak with the School Counselor by the first week of school or the semester. Independent Study may not be used to replace a class required for graduation. Grades in Independent Study classes will be “Pass” or “Fail.” Students interested in finding out more about independent study opportunities should speak with their School Counselor.