Media Production

Video in the Connected World I 

Credits: 5 

Course Length: Full Year 

Grade Level: 9 - 12 

The student is introduced to television techniques and the use of television as a mass communication medium. Working as a member of a production team, each student writes, directs, and produces videos for use on the HHS YouTube and cable television station, in house productions, or special video production for use within the school. Students experience studio practice, camera direction, lighting and editing using special effects. Students gain television production experience using interdisciplinary projects and develop of cooperative problem solving skills as a major focus. Students are expected to produce a minimum of one video every other week. 

Video in the Connected World II 

Credits: 5

 Course Length: Full Year 

Grade Level: 9 - 12 

Prerequisite: Video in the Connected World I

 This course is designed for students looking to continue their pursuit of a career in the motion picture industry. Students will empower themselves by creating a short digital video through development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. Students will focus on deadlines and video competitions as they continue their video interests for one or three additional years. The remainder of the course is organized into individual and/or small group development projects. The primary goal is for a student to build an impressive video portfolio for all four school years. 

Animation and Rotoscoping 

Credits: 5 

Course Length: Full Year 

Grade Level: 9 - 12 

Students will create short animation projects by using various techniques from 3D animation, to digital cell animation techniques. Students will also learn how to use Adobe programs (Photoshop, Aftereffects) and Final Cut pro editing software to create parallax 2D photo animations.